Page 35 of Forgotten Fate
I yelped as I felt something rock hard poking between my legs, and I looked down as he stopped, his eyes growing larger. I wet my lips with my tongue, looking at his erect cock, and gasped aloud to see the size of it.
“Wow!” I sputtered.
Zen laughed aloud. “I would take the compliment, but your frame of reference—”
I bucked up against him, allowing the tip of his cock inside me. A sharp pain exploded at my core. Again, my breath was taken, and he slowed down.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he rasped in my ear.
My heart fluttered, and I knew he didn’t just mean here, now.
Slowly, deliberately, he eased into me, inch by inch. My nails dug into the smooth, olive skin of his ripped shoulders, and my head lolled back.
“I’ve got you, Little Mouse,” he panted, his thrusts growing only slightly harder.
I arched back, wincing and trembling. It was so painfully sweet, each movement making me hotter, and suddenly, I didn’t want him going slow anymore. The pain gave way to pleasure, and I was ready for him to stop holding back.
I wanted him. I wanted all of him.
Again, I bucked upward, unable to form the words, but Zen seemed to understand my body language, his movements picking up speed. Mewls of pleasure filled the room, my hold on his shoulders tightening, my breath fully gone now.
Little cries became full shrieks, my calves once more locking around his body, this time at the waist.
His hand found my nipple, the other holding himself for support as he pounded onward, the two of us melding in every way.
“Don’t stop!” I managed to squeak out, but Zen clearly had no intention of stopping. His quickened breathing told me he was close to his own climax but holding out for me.
He didn’t have to wait long. Yet another orgasm erupted inside me, this one almost surprising me as I gushed over him, squeezing as tightly as I could. The strength of my walls brought him to his peak, and he grunted, a loud groan falling from his parted mouth.
He captured my lips with his as he let go, our kiss confirming it. Our embrace ended organically.
Zen withdrew from me and fell to the side, his expression a reflection of mine. I relaxed instantly to see him so at peace. In fact, he had never looked more attractive to me than he did at that moment.
It wasn’t just his good looks or the fact that he was a king. It wasn’t even his incredible bedroom talents. There was something deeper about him, something… protective? From the first moment I’d met him, that’s all Zen had tried to do: protect me.
Is he like this with everyone?
Jealousy caused my stomach to flip and soured my sense of euphoria for half a second. Why had I let my mind go there?
I moved toward the floor to find my discarded clothes, but Zen’s strong hand splayed over my naked back.
“Don’t,” he said.
I peered over my shoulder questioningly. “Don’t what?”
“Get dressed.”
I blushed and curled back up against him, my pulse racing. He hadn’t struck me as the snuggling type, but lying against his warm, broad chest, I’d never felt safer.
“Why not?” I couldn’t resist asking. “Do you want me to wander around in here naked all day?”
Zen chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind the thought of that,” he admitted. “I rather like you without any clothes on.”
I sank further against him, a happy glow heating me from head to toe.