Page 6 of Room for Improvement
He followed Janice across the executive reception area and through the open door of his father’s office. Edward Royal, who was standing at the window, turned as his eldest son entered the room.
When his father beamed at him in the only way that a proud father could, Bryce was suddenly transformed back to being a ten year old boy who had just won at Little League. There was something special about the connection that he shared with his dad, one that made him both proud and uncomfortable, for it didn’t seem to exist for his two younger siblings. He was his father’s first-born son; Edward held onto the traditions which meant that the order of birth of the Royal children still somehow mattered.
Bryce accepted his father’s hug.
“So good to see you, son. I’m sorry about the short notice. How was your flight?”
“Fine. I got plenty of work done on the plane, and I’ll catch up on more today. I emailed those occupancy reports and my review. Let me know when you have had the chance to read them.”
“Is there anything else you require, Edward?” asked Janice.
“No, thank you, Janice. I think we have everything. But I would ask for you to please lock off access to this floor for the next hour. I don’t want anyone wandering in here and disturbing us.”
Janice headed for the door. “Very good. If anyone calls, you are working from home this morning. I shall be back in a little while with Bryce’s coffee.”
As soon as she was gone, Bryce met his father’s gaze. “What’s with all the cloak and dagger? I haven’t even been game to call Mom. What gives?”
“Have you eaten?” asked Edward.
Bryce nodded. He’d enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of a fresh omelet and fruit just after four o’clock. His body was still on UK time, and his troubled mind meant he had barely slept. Normally he would have gone for a walk or hit the Royal Resorts office gym, but his father had been strict with his instructions that he keep his visit home a tightly held secret.
Royal Resorts was a branch of the House of Royal international luxury conglomerate. The worldwide Royal family company included business dealings in high end travel and leisure, beauty and cosmetics, fashion, watches, and jewelry, as well as selective retailing. While Edward Royal headed up the US operations of Royal Resorts, he also had board oversight of all the other global hotel and resorts in the House of Royal collection. Bryce’s father was a powerful man.
His father gestured to the coffee and plates of food on the office sideboard. “It’s the good resort coffee.”
Bryce shook his head. “Thank you, no. And while I can’t believe I am actually saying this, there are more important things concerning me right this minute than a second cup of coffee. So I have to ask, why am I here? You have me worried sick.”
His father took a seat on the long leather couch which sat in the open space between his desk and the sideboard. Bryce dropped into one of the matching arm chairs opposite. He unbuttoned his immaculately tailored fine wool jacket, making himself as comfortable as his concern would allow. His father wouldn’t summon him home like this unless something was terribly wrong.
Edward sat forward, clasping his hands together. Bryce’s breath caught.
Please god, don’t let it be an illness in the family.
With the immense wealth at the Royal family’s disposal, they could handle most things. But money didn’t always buy happiness or health. There were some challenges in life which couldn’t be cured, no matter how big the balance in a person’s bank account.
Edward cleared his throat. “The Laguna Beach resort is a ruddy disaster. The early reviews are scathing. We are losing money hand over fist. And your brother seems to have just washed his hands of the whole thing entirely. He’s not even in California, he’s back here in New York hiding away in his apartment. I have the board of Royal Resorts on my back, demanding answers and at the moment I have none to give.”
Bryce was ready to weep. No one was dying. On the long flight from London, he had imagined all manner of disasters which might be waiting for him at home. A poor resort launch hadn’t figured in his concerns.
What a relief.
Laguna Beach was the brand new, billion-dollar resort in California. And it was in trouble. He’d heard whispers that things weren’t going well on the West Coast but hadn’t honestly been too concerned. Resorts were notorious for having false starts. Even for a company such as Royal Resorts, minor teething problems were nothing new. With hard work and application they were usually dealt with quickly.
Bryce wisely kept those thoughts to himself. He was acutely aware as to how important this new resort was to the Royal Resorts brand and just as importantly his father. Edward Royal had long held ambitions for the family company to become the preeminent resort provider in the US. The global brand already held many top rankings in Europe and the Far East, but the American market was where the future growth lay. A major misstep now could see the House of Royal plans falter. Edward would never allow that to happen.
“Has Jordan said anything about what is happening at Laguna Beach?” asked Bryce, suddenly hoping Janice had managed to find someone able to master the coffee beans. His father’s words had changed his mind, he was now in desperate need of that second cup of coffee.
Jordan Royal had been tasked with bringing the California resort to life and making it a success. And while the middle Royal brother had made some serious errors of judgement when he was younger, the past few years had seen him rise through the ranks of the company to become one of its most trusted executives. Laguna Beach should have signaled his arrival as a future board member of Royal Resorts.
Edward shook his salt and pepper haired head. “I need this situation dealt with and fast. But in order to do that, I need a full understanding of the magnitude of the problem. I’ve tried, but I can’t get a sensible answer out of Jordan. Your brother is the reason why I sent for you.”
Understanding now settled heavily on Bryce’s shoulders. Jordan had matured significantly over the past few years, but when he felt under threat, his old bad habits had a tendency to resurface. He resorted to ducking and weaving his way out of a straight answer.Not to mention ass covering.Bryce loved his brother, but the truth was Jordan’s wild younger years had gifted him with some sharply honed but not admirable skills. A lack of accountability was one of them.
Jordan. You had been doing so well. What on earth could have happened?
“So this is why you’ve brought me all the way from the UK? I mean I can take a look at the figures, talk to some people, if you like? Maybe even sit Jordan down and pose the hard questions to him. He might be more open if I’m the one asking.”
And pigs might fly.