Page 15 of A Suite Temptation
It took her a few minutes to regain her composure. Lying slumped on the soft hotel sheets, Chloe opened her eyes, and stared at the ceiling. It had been a long time since she had brought herself to orgasm so fast. Her clit pulsed.
Jordan Royal had done that to her, and he hadn’t even been in the same room. She could barely begin to imagine what being naked with him in Paris would be like. How having his hands on her body would feel.Heaven.
Come to me. She hoped she had read that message right. That what he really meant wascome for me.If things went according to plan, Chloe had every intention of doing just that for Jordan, and more than once.
Sheila stepped out of Jordan’s bathroom and announced, “All clear. I’ll upload the screen shot and details to human resources. They will send your certificate through later today. In my considered opinion, this morning’s sample looks like a young Riesling, which means you should watch your water intake.”
“Um. Yeah. Thanks, Sheila.”
Jordan was heading to Paris today. His executive assistant was on her way to Scotland to visit family. A little while earlier, Sheila had sprung a random drug test on him. He’d been waiting for it to happen. The standing request from the House of Royal HR people was for him to undergo a monthly drug test. As part of her job as his personal assistant, Sheila got saddled with the not-so-glamorous task of testing Jordan’s urine.
Sheila classifying the color of his pee against the shades of a wine chart was a sick private joke between the two of them. She’d stood steadfastly at Jordan’s side through many of his bleakest moments. His sponsor might be able to talk to him over the phone, but it was Sheila who was downstairs at three am with a packed suitcase in the trunk of a town car, ready to spirit her boss back to a secret stay in rehab when things got serious. If there was one person who knew Jordan almost as well as himself, it was Sheila.
She worked hard for her money. Jordan was glad to be able to send her home first class to Edinburgh to spend time with her extended family.
This morning, he held back a secret smile. Sheila thought she was going to Scotland just to see her grandparents. What she didn’t know was that he had also arranged for her parents and siblings to fly first class from New York for a Kirk family reunion. He would love to be a fly on the wall when Sheila set foot in her grandparents’ house.
But Jordan would be in Paris. And hopefully seeing Chloe once more. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Other people didn’t normally occupy long periods of time in Jordan’s brain, but for now he was more than content for Chloe to live rent free in his head.
“Well, have a great trip back to Scotland. Give your grannie my love. I’ll see you in New York in a few weeks. Then it’s off to LA. I’m looking forward to some of that California sun.”
Sheila suffered his kiss on her cheek. “It’s alright for you, you’re going to be based in LA. I’m the one who is going to be flying back and forth between the two places, while also juggling my studies. I have a feeling these next few months are going to be interesting to say the least. Oh, and when you see that shit of a cousin of yours this morning, could you let Leon know that what he thinks is funny, actually isn’t.”
She didn’t add to that last remark, and Jordan knew well enough to leave it alone. Sheila was the kind of woman who would be more than happy to vent, but horrified if her boss actually went to war on her behalf. The embarrassment would kill her. And then she would come after him.
I’m going to miss you when I’m in California.
“I’ll let Leon know he is a dick, but it won’t be news to him. Have a safe flight. Call me in a few days when you’re bored and need to bitch about the weather in Scotland.”
Sheila huffed. She tapped Jordan a little too firmly on the arm, then added a second huff for effect. “Are you going to bloody well tell me what happened with the pop star last night or not? You left early. And when I got back to our table, her strange little clique had not only taken over both booths and were partying hard, but they were making it plain that they were seriously pissed about the guy who had stolen their Chloe away. Very possessive bunch. I will never understand you Americans and your need to cling to famous people.”
“It’s only some of us. And don’t tell me you wouldn’t drop your panties in a heartbeat if Gerard Butler winked at you.”
Sheila laughed. She had a thing for the Scottish actor.
“Nothing happened with the pop star, as you call her. Chloe and I went and got a bite to eat. Then we went for a drive around Berlin, and I showed her the sights. Her bodyguards were with us the whole time.”
He didn’t elaborate further, as far as he was concerned, he didn’t have to. What had happened in the back of the limousine was no one else’s business. Jordan understood the need for privacy. Chloe had the right for hers to be protected.
Sheila gave him one final, and mercifully more gentle pat on the arm. “Let me know if you need anything. And say hello to your family in Paris for me.”
“Will do.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her that his plans for the French capital had changed. If he got time, he would call in and see his uncle and aunt at their chateau outside of Paris, but the truth was, he was more concerned with getting to the Royal family apartment in the 16th arrondissement and making sure that everything was perfect ahead of Chloe’s arrival.
As soon as Sheila had gone, Jordan picked up his phone and clicked on his messages. He went straight to the last one he’d received from Chloe, the one which had ended with all those love heart emojis.
It doesn’t mean anything. She probably adds them to the end of all her messages. I shouldn’t read anything into them.
His silly, hopeful heart oddly did.
Paris La Défense Arena
Thursday night
Hoping to fit in with the concert crowd, Jordan had dressed as low-key as possible. He was wearing jeans, a dark green cashmere sweater and the only pair of Doc Marten boots he owned. But as a thirty-two-year-old male he still stood out in the sea of young women. Chloe had been spot on about the composition of her fanbase. At his estimation, Chloe’s Garden was at least ninety-eight percent female, with a smattering of boyfriends, and the odd male Chloe fan.