Page 23 of A Suite Temptation
He made her want to feel brave. To step into the limelight and show him the real Chloe. Could she dare to reveal that much to him, to this stranger?
Her breath was ragged as she finally answered. “I want you fuck me slowly, and deep. I want it gentle, and so beautiful that I weep as I come.”
There. She had said it. Her deepest desire. To have tears in her eyes as she crested the wave of pleasure and crashed down the other side.
He let out a groan at her words. “Oh, Chloe, I promise to fuck you so tenderly, so sweetly, that the angels in heaven will shed tears when you climax.”
Jordan’s lips came down on hers once more, capturing her mouth in a deep, lingering kiss that held all the promise of a magical night. Their tongues brushed together, sending a shiver down her spine. He was a master of the embrace, teasing, nipping, and making her desperate for his mouth to be all over her body. She clung to him. She wanted tonight. This moment was for them. To give in to her desire.
Her lust took firm control. “No more talking, Jordan. Just imagine we are back in the nightclub in Berlin. I know about the sex rooms where people let others watch as they indulge. Could we pretend that we have a crowd watching us?” She would never do it in real life but fantasizing about it had always turned her on.
A large, warm hand brushed over her cheek. “I like that you trust me to keep you safe. In this place, we can do whatever we want. It’s just you and me. And when you want your imaginary onlookers to disappear, just wish them away.” He bent and whispered in her ear. “I do have one particular fantasy I would love to indulge with you, if you are willing.”
Chloe forced down her fear. There were some things she was prepared to do, but she had her limits. On the rare occasions that she’d slept with a guy, she’d made her position clear. No matter how insistent a man might be there were some sexual acts she’d never let them pressure her into doing them. She could only hope Jordan’s wishes were on this side of that line. Her imagination was there to fill in the gaps of what her body wasn’t comfortable doing.
He kissed her slowly once more. She remained fully dressed as his hands roamed over her body, touching her curves. Chloe would have given anything for Jordan to take the lead and tug on the zipper of her dress.
Had he noticed her apprehension? Some men cared to read women, perhaps Jordan was one of them. Fearing a repeat of Berlin when Jordan had pulled away, she summoned her courage. “What would you like to indulge in, Mister Royal?”
His gaze lowered. “I love a pair of killer heels, and those boots are as hot as. I want you naked except for them. And then I want you seated before me with my cock in your mouth. And when I think you have been a good girl, and only then will I spread you out on the bed and give you exactly what you want. A slow, deep, tear-filled orgasm. How does that sound, Ms. Fisher?”
How did it sound? Like all her porny dreams had come true at once. Chloe let out a whoosh of air. She was relieved that while his request was wickedly delicious, it was well within her plain vanilla kink boundaries. She’d never been with anyone long enough to learn trust and explore new horizons.
I can do that. No problem.
The thought of laying on the bed, legs spread wide, while Jordan buried himself to the hilt was hot enough to set her pulse racing. But his idea of her servicing him while dressed in her knee high boots was sizzling hot. Any second now she might spontaneously combust.
She turned in his arms and touched a finger to the top of her dress’s zipper. “Would you like to unwrap me? See what’s underneath. And then you can decide if you really do want me fully naked or if I should leave the rest of my things on while you fuck my mouth.”
His wicked chuckle had her sex throbbing. “I can’t wait to see what you have on under that sedate black dress. I have a feeling it’s going to be the best.”
The cool night air touched her skin as he lowered her zipper. The dress fell to the floor and when she stepped out of it, Jordan picked the dress up and tossed it aside. She turned to face him, and he let out a hushed. “Oh, that’s … that’s … oh, Chloe.”
He slowly shook his head, she sensed he was torn about what to do next. “You’ve given me the devil’s choice. That pink is so…wow, but then again.” His gaze roamed hungrily over her body. He licked his lips and Chloe mirrored the action.
“I’m going to have to go with the barely there pink G-string and bra staying on.” He paused for a moment, then met her gaze. “You are absolutely gorgeous, and I can’t wait to feast on every inch of your body. But now is the time for us to have an adult moment before we proceed. I get tested regularly, for many things, including all the nasties. If you want, I can go and get my laptop and log on to a secure site. Then you can see all my latest medical results, including my drug tests. I’m negative for everything.”
Whoa. Full disclosure. A real man.
It was refreshing to meet someone who understood how a real man should behave. And how attractive a woman would find a man who openly owned his personal history.
If he’s offering to do that for me, then I suppose its quid pro quo.
“I also get tested. My tour promoter has it standard in all contracts. They can’t get insurance without me undergoing a full medical and having all my results come back negative. I’m happy to share my results too.”
“Of course.” Jordan motioned to the bedside table where a small blue ceramic dish sat. It contained several packets of condoms. Chloe had also brought some with her, just in case. Since she knew where hers had been, they would be the ones she and Jordan would be using.
A high-backed chair in the corner of the bedroom caught her eye. She moved toward it, but Jordan beat her to it, saying, “Let me get this for you, it’s an antique and a lot heavier than it looks.”
He carried the chair into the middle of the room and set it down. Chloe stifled a nervous grin, but a chuckle still escaped. “This looks like one of those racy scenes in an art house film. A girl and a guy in a swanky apartment in Paris, where they embark on a steamy torrid affair. The soundtrack is all edgy and moody, but usually once the hot scene is done and dusted the movie turns dark.”
Jordan moved closer, his hand coming to rest about Chloe’s waist. “My French cousins have made me sit through enough of those existential crisis movies over the years. Give me a good old fashioned boy meets girl, happily ever after rom-com any time over an art house flick.”
An image of her and Jordan curled up on a couch watching a Netflix movie while sharing a bowl of popcorn slipped into her mind.
Stop playing happy families. You know that doesn’t exist for you.
She had to get out of her own mind. Her secret longings were threatening to derail the proceedings. “Just give me a minute.”