Page 41 of A Suite Temptation
If anyone is looking for me, I’m out of the office for the rest of the day. Going to look at bed linen.
His assistant’s reply had him smiling.
Send Chloe my love
* * *
Chloe’s joy at being home was short lived. As soon as the limousine turned into her driveway, she spotted Foster’s black and orange insanely priced sportscar parked close to her front door. In typical Foster fashion he had blocked the entrance, forcing her driver to park further away and Chloe to step around the vehicle in order to get into her own home.
She’d had a couple of peaceful weeks in London without him. His stay in the English capital had been mercifully short. It was clear that once he’d delivered his message about finishing the album, he felt he didn’t need to stay. The fact that Jordan hadn’t made the trip likely also had a major bearing in Foster’s travel plans, but Chloe dared not bring that topic up.
She braced herself. If Foster was here, it was because he wanted to talk. And as things currently stood between them, talking usually meant him berating her until she caved.
I’m so over all this drama. As soon as this album launch is done and dusted, I’m going to start looking for a new lawyer. And then a new manager.
“Now, we need to talk gift bags for the album launch. And also special bonus presents.”
Chloe shook her head at Marta’s left-of-field suggestion. They had just arrived back in the States after a long flight from England. Gifts for the launch party were not something she really should have to get involved in. And as for the special bonuses, Marta had already decided that she and Gabriela should be gifted new cars.
At the front door of the house, Chloe stopped and faced her personal assistant. She sighed. As she saw it, there were two ways she could answer Marta. One was to tell her to go home, and they would talk about things later. Or two, pander to her demands. A rational person would have seen that this was not the time to be asking about presents, but Marta’s self-interest had always ruled.
“Why don’t you go home and unpack, and then when you are done go and visit a dealership to choose which make and model you want. Gabriela might want to come with you. Then we can discuss gift bags. How does that sound?”
If I am serious about looking for new management, I can’t have these two women hanging around my home all the damn time.
Marta’s gaze flittered briefly to Foster’s sportscar, and Chloe could almost hear her debating as to whether she should head inside and fawn all over him or go and select her new car.
“Ok, I’ll go. See you a bit later.”
“Take the rest of the day off, you deserve it. Besides I’ve got some other things to do once I’ve seen Foster.”
Her personal assistant moved closer and took a hold of Chloe’s hand. “You’re seeing him again, aren’t you?”
Chloe nodded. She hated the way that Marta took pains never to speak Jordan’s name. “I haven’t seen Jordan in a month and a half. He’s coming here in a little while, so it would be nice for the two of us to have some privacy.”
“Alright, but I want to say something, and for you to take it with all the love that I have for you. You might be the world’s biggest pop star, but you will never be good enough for him. All the expensive gifts and phone calls in the world won’t make up for the fact that he put his billionaire papa ahead of you, Chloe. Tell me, does his daddy even know you exist?”
That remark hit home. As far as she knew, Edward Royal had absolutely no idea about her and Jordan’s romance. Marta’s hold tightened and a knot of tension grew in Chloe’s stomach as she replied. “Jordan and I have agreed to keep our relationship private for the time being.”
She didn’t believe that lie, and from the look on her assistant’s face, neither did Marta. Out of the corner of her eye, Chloe caught sight of Foster as he stepped out from the house. The knot in her stomach twisted and burned. Her manager and assistant were going to tag team one another.
“Marta is right. The Royal family is part of New York City high society. You might be world-famous, Chloe, but they will always view you as a white-trash brat from Nebraska. You’ll never be good enough for them. Face it, they are not your people.” He pointed to Marta and then himself. “We are your people.”
* * *
She’s been crying.The telltale tracks of tears were still fresh on Chloe’s cheeks when Jordan arrived at her home early that evening. Despite his best endeavors, his plans to leave the Laguna Beach resort and head up to Beverly Hills had been hampered by design staff and contractors intercepting him on his way from the office to his car. The official handover from the resort builders to Royal Resorts was scheduled for next week, and it seemed that a million minor things still had to be ticked off before then.
The completion handover was a major milestone for the project, and one which couldn’t be missed. If the certificates were not exchanged on that day, the party at fault would be facing penalties. He had to make sure that Royal Resorts fulfilled its side of the contract.
But all of it meant nothing compared to the joy of finally seeing Chloe and holding her in his arms again. A joy that disappeared the second Jordan set foot inside her house.
Someone had hurt her. She managed a whispered, “Jordan,” before stepping into his embrace. Jordan wrapped his arms around her and let the silence of the house envelop them. He knew enough about this girl to know that she would want physical comfort first. When she was ready to talk, she would.
With his chin resting on the top of her head, Jordan closed his eyes. He’d missed her, but he hadn’t realized just how much until this moment.
Jordan brushed his hand over Chloe’s hair, then gently tipping her head back, captured her mouth in a long lingering kiss. Every fiber of his being rejoiced in the taste of her lips. Of her scent.
I’ve missed you. But something is wrong.