Page 46 of A Suite Temptation
“Hi, Marta. I’m afraid it can’t. I need to let Chloe know I won’t be able to stay for the album launch.”
He could just imagine the mileage Marta would get out of that juicy piece of information. His suspicions were confirmed when a flustered Chloe suddenly came on the line. “What do you mean you can’t stay? Please, Jordan. This is important, I want you here. I need you.”
Jordan braced himself. “Dad is here in LA, and he wants me to meet him down at Laguna Beach. And I have to go back to New York with him first thing tomorrow.” He took in a long slow breath, steadying himself for the next piece of news he was going to have to deliver. The thought of the New York trip had brought to mind another of his forgotten commitments. “I’m so sorry, Chloe, but I won’t be back in time for the All American Music Awards. If there was any other way, you know I would do it. Please, I’m doing my best.”
Am I? It doesn’t feel like it. Especially not when it comes to her.
She put him on hold, leaving Jordan to wait for a good long minute. When Chloe came back on the line, there was a cold, hard edge to her voice. “So, you blew me off over London. You are not staying for the album launch; and now you suddenly drop the news that you’re flying home with daddy in the morning. And you don’t give a damn about the awards show. I would love to have met your father tonight, but it’s now pretty clear to me why you wouldn’t think to invite him to my album launch. Or to my home. I’m good enough to fuck, but not good enough for the Royal family. Just go, Jordan. Worry about the people who are important in your life.”
The line went dead.
He was certain that right this minute Marta and her friends would all be gathered around Chloe, giving her poison laced words of comfort. Telling Chloe how she was better off without him. How little he cared about her. How guys like Jordan were a dime a dozen.
Her new album was due to drop in less than an hour. He’d already done enough damage, he didn’t want to add to her pain. Him going upstairs right now would only end in tears. The press would love to flood the internet with pictures of a broken-hearted pop princess crying during the launch of her new music.
Jordan headed back inside the house, making his way through the crowd toward the front door.
Near the exit, a large gifting table had been set up. Jordan glanced at the expensive gold, red, and white tote bags, all with the logo for Chloe’s new album beautifully imprinted on them. Earlier in the day, a small army of assistants had taken over one of the downstairs rooms. The rustle of tissue paper and people checking off guest names had beat a steady cadence all afternoon. There had to be close to two hundred of the bags, all lined up in neat rows. At the end of one row were some specially marked VIP bags.
Jordan nodded to the two publicity assistants dressed in matching white strappy gowns standing behind the table. One girl had a giant clipboard in her left hand, and a red sparkly feather topped pen in the other. Seeing Jordan, one of the girls picked up a VIP gift bag. She took one step toward him then stopped. Her hand went to her earpiece. Someone from upstairs was giving her instructions. She offered him an apologetic smile, then retreated back to the safety of the table, and set his giftbag on the floor.
Chloe had every right to be angry with him. He didn’t give a damn about the gift bag, he just couldn’t bear the thought of being cut out of her life.
I swear I will make it up to you. You are important in my life.
On the driveway, Jordan pulled his cell out of his jacket. He started to tap out a message to Chloe. He sighed at his attempt at a feeble apology. The wordsorryseemed so empty. It mocked him.Is that all you can say to her, sorry?
He didn’t deserve Chloe, he probably never had.
Jordan Royal had wealth, good looks, and every advantage in the world, but he was just a guy who had no idea how to hold onto the woman he loved.
“Now, I want to talk about the upcoming awards show. We really need to make a huge impact at the All American Music Awards to help push your new album,” announced Foster.
Chloe was hung over, and only half listening to her manager—who was seated across the kitchen table from her. Still struggling with her sleep-deprived mind and aching heart, she squinted at him.
Really, can’t I just draw a breath?
The album launch had gone off as they usually do, with everyone telling her it was her best one ever. That she would clean up at all the music award shows next year and how eager they were for her to make an announcement about a world tour. But for the first time in her star-studded career, Chloe didn’t really care.
Jordan left last night. He’s going back to New York this morning. I’m not important in his life. He doesn’t love me.
She’d searched the crowd for him, in the vain hope he’d changed his mind and stayed, but Jordan had gone.
Her management team, ably assisted by Marta, Gabriela, and Stixxluv, had choreographed the whole evening down to the very last minute. Apart from the scant five minutes when she had given a live interview on her Instagram feed, Foster in his role ofmanager to the starhad held onto her arm the whole time. It was suffocating, but as with all things relating to her career —apparently necessary.
By the time, Chloe had finally kicked off her Jimmy Choos, and got a glass of champagne in her hand, it was well past four in the morning. Eventually the crowd of well-wishers and industry folk filed out the front door, gorgeous and expensive giftbags in hand.
Among the few remaining gift bags was the one she had personally created for Jordan. The one with a classic Breitling watch inside. The bag Marta had made certain Jordan didn’t receive as he left the house.
Morning had dawned on the Chloe website and the streaming platforms showing the results of last night’s hard work. The new album merchandise was flying out the door, and she was the topic of every major fashion and music influencer on social media.
That was all good news, but her mind was filled with the worry of what had happened between her and Jordan. She could almost find it within herself to forgive him from having blown off her album launch to attend an important late night meeting. And while his unexpected trip back to New York and its calendar clash with the upcoming All American Music Awards had really hurt her feelings, she knew all about juggling commitments.
But her ability to understand and accept his behavior ended when it came to the thorny subject of Jordan’s father. She would love to meet one of the members of Jordan’s immediate family.
He wouldn’t bring his dad to my home last night. Is Jordan ashamed of me?