Page 82 of A Suite Temptation
Camille Royal stepped regally out of the elevator and into Chloe’s private sky villa late the following morning. Jordan went to greet her, but his cousin gave him a queenly wave and advised, “Step back or be road kill.”
Jordan rolled his eyes. Cam’s English was near schoolbook perfect, but she still liked to pepper it with idioms she’d picked up from American television shows.
A team of resort bellmen and assistants pushing various luggage carts trailed in Camille’s wake. She instructed them where to place things, before turning her attention back to Jordan. “What’s the protocol on tipping in this situation?”
He’d anticipated her question. “We have an agreement with the resort to pay the team standard tips, and then monthly bonuses for the duration of our special guest’s stay.”
While their special guest remained out of sight in her bedroom, Jordan went and had a quick word with the head bellman, making sure that his team understood they would be receiving their tips at the end of their shift. They shook hands and the resort staff all filed back into the elevator, leaving the luggage carts behind.
His gaze roamed over the piles of boxes and cases. “Thank you for coming at such short notice and being so well prepared. Now, do I get a hug?”
A grinning Camile embraced him. “It’s wonderful to see you. I know when I saw you on New Year’s Eve, you weren’t in a good place. How are things now?”
Her question took him by surprise. He hadn’t considered how other members of the extended family would view his mental state. Now that he thought about it, Christmas and New Year’s had all been a bit of a blur. He was finally coming out of his stress induced fog, and his mind was clearing.
“I’m a lot better. Once this new assignment gets bedded down, I will have some time for myself.”
He wasn’t making any promises to himself. The past year had taught Jordan not to make concrete plans. And for the first time he realized that wasn’t such a bad thing. He’d learned to roll with the punches. But if the punches could stop coming for a few months, he would be most grateful.
Camille checked the room. “Is Chloe here? I know you think yourself a bit of a hunk, but I can’t possibly use you as my mannequin for her gown.”
Jordan headed for the master bedroom. He knocked on the door, and Chloe slowly opened it. He caught her shy smile and his chest tightened. They hadn’t yet spoken about the kiss they’d shared last night. Instead, they had spent the rest of the evening making small talk and avoiding one another’s gazes.
“Camille is here. If you are ready to start work with her.”
As Chloe moved into the hallway, Jordan took a step back. His breath caught as she reached out and took his hand. “Thank you. I’m a bit embarrassed about all this, I mean having to ask your cousin to come and make me an outfit.”
Jordan was acting on pure instinct when he wrapped his free arm around Chloe and drew her gently to him. “You don’t ever need to feel embarrassed with me. I am here for you, Chloe.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her long black hair, letting his face linger for a moment to take in Chloe’s scent. His chest gave another squeeze.
I miss you. I wish we could have sorted all of this out long ago.
She let go of his hand and wrapped both arms around his waist. The silence they shared was enough for him to understand that last night’s kiss hadn’t been a mistake. No one was apologizing or suggesting it wouldn’t ever happen again.
They both knew it would.
* * *
Camille Royal was the sort of woman every girl should have in her life. From the moment Chloe walked into the living room, and Camille took her hand, she was enveloped in a world of excited feminine energy.
“I brought the silks we discussed and a few other fabrics that I think might work. But let’s get your measurements sorted first, and then we can decide how we wish to proceed. Seeing you up close gives me a better idea about colors, but again it’s your decision.”
Chloe wasn’t used to dealing with someone who asked for her opinion rather than just telling her what she wanted. It was empowering, but it was also daunting.
Entertainment stylists were paid to deliver a package and until now she had gone along with whatever Stixxluv had chosen for her. With this new freedom of choice, came the expectation that she would have to pay attention and actually own her decisions.
Still holding Chloe’s hand, Camille walked around the living area. “So this is your sky villa—I mean it’s where you are living? Sky villa, it’s such a silly name, but it is what it is. A sky chateau would have been a better choice.”
“Yes, until I finish the concert series, whenever I am in Las Vegas this is my home. It’s got a lot of space. There are four bedrooms, and a full kitchen, along with a private gym. It’s almost as big as my house in LA.”
Camille softly hummed to herself, then approached Jordan. “Cousin, do you have your own sky villa here as well?”
Jordan shifted uneasily on his feet. Chloe sensed the question might be a loaded one. “Ah, yes. I have the one on the next level down. Why?”
“Excellent. I need your villa in which to work. In the meantime, you can move in here with Chloe.”
As she let go of Chloe’s hand, Camille transformed before her eyes. The friendlyBFFdisappeared and was replaced by a Boss Girl. She quickly took command.