Page 96 of A Suite Temptation
He closed his eyes valiantly fighting back the tears. “Matthew sensed I was struggling. I flew home to New York with him for what was meant to be just a weekend, but on the morning, I was due to fly back to LA I found I couldn’t get out of bed. My mind and body had finally collapsed.”
Holing up in his apartment knowing full well that the rest of the world—including his father—had assumed he’d simply abandoned his commitments, had made his recovery even more of a trial.
“Matthew and Sheila knew what had happened, and they did their best to cover for me. I tried to work remotely, but it was a bust. After a few weeks I was able to muddle my way back into the New York office, but by then Bryce had been called home to the US to try and fix Laguna Beach.”
The shame of his father giving him a dressing down and then sending him back to California had left deep scars. Over the past weeks, he’d finally accepted that they would never fully heal. Oddly, he was at peace with that notion. It had made him realize he wasn’t cut out for the job and that walking away from Royal Resorts wouldn’t in fact be the end of the world.
“Oh, god that’s just awful, Jordan. I can’t begin to imagine how hard that must have been for you. I’m so sorry.”
Jordan nodded. “I’m not telling you these things to gain your pity, I’m doing it because you need to understand what sort of man I am. There will be times when I have to go and spend a week or two at a retreat to keep on top of my mental health. When we first met, I told you I was a high-risk recovering addict, and that still holds true.”
“But you are clean?”
A valid question.“Yep, and I intend to stay that way, but it will take ongoing help. You should know that some parts of me are a little bit broken. The only thing that is one-hundred percent whole is that I love you and I will never stop fighting for us.”
This time when she moved toward him, Jordan held out his hand. Their fingers threaded together. Tears shone in Chloe’s eyes as she whispered. “Thank you for being honest with me. I love you, Jordan. Together we will make you whole. I love you, myBitter Babe.”
With this amazing woman, anything could be possible.
Las Vegas
Nine amazing and exhausting months later
“After one hundred and fifty shows, my extended Las Vegas residency has finally come to an end. I would like to thank all the amazing fans who have come to the Royal Resorts Platinum Collection resort to see the show. I can honestly say I have loved every single minute of every concert.”
Jordan stood to one side of the stage watching as Chloe gave her farewell speech. She had played her final show in Vegas, and it was now time for them leave. The little black rings which had recently appeared under Chloe’s eyes told him it was well past time.
“I’m also going to make a couple of other announcements today. I promised to be open and honest with my fans, and this is part of that dialogue.”
After making a quick check of his tie and jacket, Jordan straightened his spine. They’d talked long about what Chloe was going to say, and he had offered his input, but in the end, he’d let her decide what she wanted to tell the public. And the members of Chloe’s Garden.
Her recentVanity Faircover and interview had detailed much of Chloe’s painful past. She’d been raw and honest with her fans.
“Firstly, I am going to take a long break from live performances. This past year has taught me that I need to work on more than just my music. I need to focus on Chloe, the woman. On the things which are important in my life, including this man. Jordan Royal.”
Jordan was beaming as he moved into the light and came to stand alongside Chloe. It had taken some convincing on her part for him to step out of the shadows, but as he did, it felt right. This was where he should be, supporting his woman.
There is no more hiding our love from the world.
A thousand cameras clicked all at once. In reply to the calls of, “Jordan. Jordan. How did you meet Chloe?” Jordan simply smiled and waved. He had no intention of ever doing a press conference or one single interview. Their future branch of the Royal family only needed one star and Chloe shone brighter than anyone.
He’d been helping Chloe with the details of new contracts negotiated by Nancy and Sandra. In the spring there would be a new Chloe’s Garden perfume and beauty range being launched. The products would be both affordable and make use of ethically sourced ingredients. Chloe was at pains to make sure that her fans knew she was taking care with the things she presented to them.
The high powered legal eagles at the House of Royal had got to work along with Sandra in dealing with Foster and Marta. Chloe’s former personal assistant had seen reason and retracted her malicious lies. Foster had been determined to fight a dirty, protracted, and very public battle with his former client, but with a number of his other signed artists now calling foul on his business practices, Foster was having to deal with an ever growing pile of law suits. Even Zapp and Sibling Rivalry had fired him from their management.
Jordan was quietly confident that any day now Foster would be looking to make a substantial offer of settlement.
“Chloe, so what’s next for you? Are you two planning on getting married here in Vegas? Can I get an invite?”
Jordan bent and placed a soft kiss on Chloe’s lips. “I’ll leave you to your press, see you in a minute.” He moved back and off the stage. As he reached the bottom of the short set of steps a familiar tune filled the air.
Bitter Babe.He would forever feel a sense of pain whenever that song came on, but with it being Chloe’s biggest hit, he was resigned to enduring it for many years to come.
His father was waiting for him. He offered Jordan a hug. “You did it. Well done on a fabulous job, I’m proud of you. And you won Chloe’s heart at the same time.” Edward pointed a finger in the air. “I wonder whatever happened to the guy from that song. Your mom showed me the lyrics the other day. He sounds like a complete ass. Bet he is kicking himself for ever letting Chloe go.”
Today was a day for endings and new beginnings, he owed this much to his father. To finally tell him this one last truth.