Page 19 of Coffee & Cuffs
He stiffened. What would Marcie have to be sorry for? Sam led her over to a table in the back and gently guided her into a chair. Sam sat across from her before tucking his hands under the table. “What’s going on?” A thousand worst-case scenarios went through his mind as he waited for Marcie to speak.
Marcie wiped her eyes. “Bobby got a promotion.”
“That’s great!” Sam liked Marcie’s boyfriend, Bobby, and had thought he’d hear about an engagement soon.
“It is but it means we have to relocate to California.”
“Oh.” His heart sank. Sam hated losing good employees, but he would really miss Marcie as well. She was a friend and an employee. “But it’s still exciting. You always wanted to go to California.”
“I know but I feel like I’m abandoning you and everyone else just as you took over,” Marcie said.
“Oh no sweetie!” Sam assured her. “Don’t feel that way. We’ll miss you but this is good for Bobby. He’s been working so hard.”
“He has and this is the position he really wanted.”
Reaching across the table, Sam gripped her hand. “Then we’ll celebrate this, and I’ll write you the most amazing recommendation letter ever.”
“I love it here and I’ll miss all of you.” Marcie sniffed.
Sam patted her hand until the door opened as customers entered. It was time to get to work and somehow he needed to find a replacement for Marcie.
“I got them,” Marcie said while rising from the table.
Sam watched her greet the customers as she moved around the counters. Weekends were the only time that Sam didn’t work with Caden on the opening shift. Adam came in early Monday through Saturday to get the baking done and he went to class or worked the opening shift. Sam employed several other students who worked weekends or evening shifts and while Marcie would be missed, they could get away without her until they found the right fit for their little family.
Susie had left hiring to Sam for a couple of years and Sam had always been happy with the people that had come into his life and the shop. He refused to have anyone in the shop that wasn’t a good match. While Rocky Lake was inclusive and a safe space, there were still bad people in the world. The recent trouble with the cartel was proof of that.
Adam entered in front with Nash and Lucas on his heels. Okay, Nash was on Adam’s heels following like a puppy while Lucas followed at a slower pace, watching them with amusement. Adam frowned in his direction, finding Sam sitting at the table, but Sam waved him away. They’d figure it out and everything would be fine.
After Adam filled the display case, he turned and almost ran into Nash.
Sam snorted.
Adam growled.
Nash grinned.
Lucas laughed.
Oh yeah, they might be a silly little family, but they belonged to Sam and he wouldn’t bring anyone in that messed up the dynamic they had. Sam rose and stretched his arms over his head before he started toward the counter. He had a supply order to place, schedules to make, and if he was lucky, maybe he’d be able to steal a few minutes to text Carson.
Chapter Seven
The reports in front of him were starting to blur together and Carson rubbed his tired eyes. He had never been one of the people that complained about Mondays but after spending the weekend watching the news regarding a drug cartel practically burning down his old city, Carson was exhausted.
Victor Munoz was indeed taking out his revenge on anyone that had ever opposed him. The city of Las Vegas was currently experiencing the worst crime wave in their history and his old team were hurting. His detectives hadn’t been targeted, yet, but trying to contain the danger was taking a lot out on him.
His cell rang and Carson grabbed for it, hoping that it might be his boy. Instead, the name Eric Smith flashed across the screen.
“Hey.” Eric Smith sounded exhausted.
“Everything okay?” Carson asked.
“We lost him,” Smith replied.