Page 23 of Coffee & Cuffs
“And you look very pretty today.”
Sam perked up. “You like?”
Carson nipped Sam’s pointed chin. “I do.”
Sam enjoyed bright colors and did his makeup to match perfectly. Carson also hadn’t missed that under his shirt, as Carson rubbed his back, Sam wore something silky.
Was there anything sexier than a pretty boy wearing something silky? Carson didn’t think so. He could imagine dressing his baby boy up and running his hands all over Sam’s tight body.
Sam sighed. “I should get back out front. I kind of abandoned the guys and Mondays are busy.”
“You can take your time. The boys have it handled and even Nash and Lincoln were helping out.”
Sam’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”
“We have your back sweetheart. Take your time.”
“I shouldn’t have let myself forget that my real family is here.”
Carson smiled proudly. “That’s right.” Leaning forward, he took his time to press his lips against Sam’s before gently slipping his tongue inside Sam’s mouth then sucking on Sam’s tongue.
Sam moaned and grasped Carson’s shirt tighter.
Carson loved how responsive Sam was and how the boy didn’t hold back with Carson. He didn’t have to wonder how Sam felt or if he was happy. They drew back and smiled at each other, but it wasn’t enough. He pulled Sam back in for one more deep hard kiss then patted Sam’s back.
“Why don’t you go clean up your face, fix your pretty makeup, and I’ll check on the front? Come out when you’re ready.”
Sam lifted a shaky hand to his eye. “You think my makeup is pretty?”
“Yes, baby, gorgeous.”
Sam beamed at him. “Okay, give me a few minutes.”
Carson gave his baby boy one last kiss before he had to adjust his erection so he would be suitable for the public. Sam watched his hand move but Carson shook his head. He was really trying to take his time and get to know Sam, but he was only human, and his dick was starting to hate him.
Chapter Eight
His silk ruffled skirt and matching camisole top in a pale yellow was one of Sam’s absolute favorite outfits. Under the skirt he wore a diaper and finished off the outfit with a pair of sandals. After his breakdown earlier he’d tried to get back to work but Adam had sent him home, and for once Sam didn’t argue. Sometimes Adam forgot who the boss was but Sam loved that about his friend.
The day had all been too much so Sam listened to Carson and his friends when they said they would handle the shop and that Sam needed to take the day for himself.
While Sam preferred playing with his friends, he didn’t mind being alone after such an emotional upheaval.
After pulling out his Strawberry Shortcake dolls and setting up the tea tray, he and his dolls spent the day in his princess room. Sam loved having a space in his home that was full of all his favorite things and the fact that he didn’t have to hide them.
His phone chimed and Sam slowly crawled out of the doll pile where he’d been reading a book out loud. He squealed and showed his dolls his screen where Carson had texted.
The phone chimed again and he giggled. Oops, he should probably answer the text message.
Lieutenant Daddy: I was hoping that I could come by?
Oh, Daddy wanted to come over! Wait, he wasn’t actually Sam’s Daddy yet. And Sam was quite little. Licking his lips, he tasted the strawberry gloss he’d put on earlier. Should he say no? He didn’t want to say no. Sam also didn’t want to change either. He was pretty!
The phone rang in his hand and Sam shouted and dropped the expensive device. Uh oh, now his Daddy was calling.
He glared at the closest doll. “I’m answering,” he griped.