Page 3 of Coffee & Cuffs
On the verge of falling back asleep, he hummed as Carson rubbed his back.
“Can I ask you something?” Carson inquired.
“Sure,” Sam mumbled. He didn’t care what Carson wanted as long as Sam didn’t have to move.
“I saw your name on the paperwork from the hospital.”
Sam stiffened while he started to sit up.
“No, shh.” Carson tightened his arms. “It’s okay. I just wanted to make sure you were safe. I saw your father on the news a couple of weeks ago. He’s a horrible man. I would never expect you could come from someone like that.”
“He hates everything about me,” Sam confessed. He never talked about his family. Ever. Not even his best friends knew anything about the life he’d escaped from. “He doesn’t know where I am though.”
“Okay, I just wanted to check.”
“Don’t tell anyone. Please!” Sam would beg if he had to. No one could know.
“I swear. No one else has to know.”
“Thank you.” Sam settled back onto Carson’s strong body.
“I got you,” Carson whispered.
“Mm.” This was perfect. Sam wondered how he could get the lieutenant to be his body pillow every night going forward.
Chapter One
“Are you absolutely sure, Susie?” Sam Stewart grasped the older lady’s hand with his and gave it a squeeze.
Susie nodded as she gave him a watery smile. “I am. I just can’t handle the thought of anything ever happening in the shop again. I know it will be safe with you.”
Sam wasn’t as certain as Susie, but he didn’t want the older woman to feel guilty for selling the coffee shop. It had only been a month since the attack from the drug cartel right in the middle of the coffee shop. The cartel had been after one of Sam’s best friends and co-worker Caden Robb, and Sam had been injured that night. Only a month but Sam felt like so much had happened in just thirty days. Susie, racked with guilt, even though nothing was her fault, had decided to sell the shop and approached Sam with her offer. Susie was one of the few people who knew Sam’s true identity. He blew out a deep breath then turned his attention back to the manager of the bank.
“Mr. Stewart.” Joe Allen, bank manager, smiled at Sam. “All the funding went through, and we just need a few signatures and you’ll be the new owner of The Rocky Lake Coffeehouse.”
Sam did his best to return the man’s kind smile, but his stomach was in knots. This was a lot of responsibility, and he still hadn’t told his two best friends what was going on. There was no way that Sam could keep his secret now. He just hoped Adam and Caden understood why he hadn’t said anything sooner.
He signed until his hand cramped and walked Susie to her car and kissed her cheek before he sat in his own vehicle and pulled out his phone.
Sam: Are we still on for this afternoon?
He sent the text to the group message thread he had with Adam and Caden.
Adam: Waiting on you.
Caden: Daddy made us snacks!
Caden’s excitement was obvious even through the text message.
Sam: On my way.
Sam dropped his phone onto the passenger seat. He started his SUV, but before he put the vehicle in gear, Sam laid his head on the steering wheel and took a long deep breath. And then he took another. His phone chimed so Sam lifted his head and reached for the device again. He expected the message to be from Adam or Caden but perked up when he saw the name across the screen.
Lieutenant Daddy: Are you still going to tell Adam and Caden this afternoon?
Sam gave a little wiggle as he quickly swiped the screen to click on the message from Lieutenant Daddy. Okay, so Carson wasn’t actually Sam’s Daddy, yet. He wasn’t Sam’s anything but that didn’t mean that Sam couldn’t dream. He was all about manifesting his dreams and he often dreamt about the lieutenant wanting him.