Page 33 of Coffee & Cuffs
Oh! Carson must have called in more backup like he’d done with the Vegas detectives.
“Jackson!” Skinner barked.
Jackson sighed.
Sam shoved past Adam and picked up a cup. “What can we get you?” He didn’t want to see a cranky Skinner. Glancing over his shoulder, Sam saw Caden hovering in the entrance of the kitchen with his phone in his hand. Sam nodded and gave him a small reassuring nod. They’d be cautious until they knew more.
Chapter Eleven
Making his presence known, Carson stood with his shoulders to the wall as Lincoln and Nash escorted three men down the hall in his direction. The last man, who squirmed in Lincoln’s hold, was cussing in his thick accented voice. Even without hearing the voice, Carson knew who the young punk was. He’d recognize Arturo Munoz anywhere. Arturo had been Billy’s drug connection and one of the reasons that Billy was gone.
He pushed off the wall and straightened as Lincoln was about to pass him.
Arturo spotted him and jerked hard against Lincoln.
“Fucking knock it off,” Lincoln growled. “You’re cuffed. You’re not going anywhere.”
Arturo wasn’t even listening to Lincoln. Carson had all of Arturo’s attention. He stepped closer, crowding Arturo between him and Lincoln.
“You’re far from home, Arturo,” Carson said quietly.
He enjoyed the look of fear that crossed Arturo’s face.
“You know this punk?” Lincoln asked as he gave Arturo a shake.
Slowly he lifted his gaze to meet Lincoln’s eyes. “He killed my boy.”
Lincoln was too good of a detective to let his shock show. There would be questions later, but Carson was ready to share his story with his new team. He’d tried to keep his personal life away from his professional but that turned out to be impossible. His relationship with Sam was enough to ensure that he would be around Lincoln and Nash away from the office. He’d also learned to trust the other two detectives. They were good men and Carson was going to need their help to finally put the Munoz cartel out of commission.
“Let’s go.” Lincoln pushed Arturo forward.
“Take him into the interrogation room. Let the other two sit for a while. I’ll be right there.”
“You got it, L.T.” Lincoln disappeared down the hall and Carson let out the breath he’d been holding.
He’d known that someday he would come face to face with Arturo Munoz, but he hadn’t been prepared for the feelings that rocked through him. Carson made his way to his office to give himself a few minutes.
Closing the office door behind him, Carson leaned against it as his head spun. Billy had grown up rich and spoiled by parents who hadn’t had time for him and hadn’t cared enough to keep up with what Billy was getting into. Billy and Arturo had attended the same exclusive school and while they hadn’t exactly been friends, they’d known each other. Everyone had apparently known that Arturo was the nephew of Victor Munoz, and Arturo had no problem making money by selling his uncle’s drugs to the rich kids around him.
By the time that Carson had met Billy, he’d been on his own and doing everything he could to get his parents’ or anyone’s attention. Carson had fallen for those deceptive eyes and sweet manner that had turned out to be a lie. The first time he’d found drugs in his home, he’d punished Billy but had thought it’d been a fluke. Each time after that Billy rebelled and would take off for several days until he’d return broken and sorry. Carson had always taken Billy back, knowing there hadn’t been anyone else to help the boy.
The vicious cycle had continued and even though Carson had grown to resent Billy and what Billy put him through, Carson couldn’t leave Billy. He should have. He’d tried to put Billy in rehab, but he never lasted more than a few weeks, always returning, and begging to be back in Carson’s arms.
Carson hadn’t been strong enough to deny Billy and that had led to Billy’s death as well. That fact he had to live with, but Arturo had played a major part himself. It had been a known fact that that the drugs the Munoz cartel had been selling had considerable amounts of fentanyl in them. Billy had heard the discussions of the deaths in town. Carson had warned him. Smith, Rawlings, and North had all warned Billy. Carson’s detectives had come across Billy’s addiction several times while doing their job. They never arrested Billy and instead had called Carson but that had been a mistake as well.
Smith had been the one that had called Carson when Billy’s final high had led to his death. Billy had been gone for several days and they’d all been keeping an eye out but Smith had been the unlucky cop that had found Billy’s body in a heroin den with several people who’d overdosed. Four men had lost their life with needles still in their arms and Carson’s boy had been one of them.
The horror of seeing his boy in that abandoned house, rats chewing on him, dead on a soiled mattress had been too much.
Carson had lost his mind and even though Smith, Rawlings, and North had tried to stop him, Carson had gone straight to the Munoz mansion in Vegas.
He hadn’t been a cop that night. He’d gone with the purpose of taking out Victor Munoz and his nephew. Arturo hadn’t been home, but Victor had. The smirk on the cartel leader’s face had been too much and Carson had attacked.
It had taken his three detectives and six armed guards to get Carson off Victor.
Carson should have lost his job. He should be in jail. Instead, his captain had arrived on the scene and taken Carson away. He’d been given a mandatory leave of absence and the incident had been brushed aside.