Page 5 of Coffee & Cuffs
“Come on.” Adam wrapped his arm around Sam’s neck, pulling him forward. “It’ll be fine.”
It would be.
They followed Lincoln and Caden into the house. Adam closed and locked the door behind them. He even set the alarm.
Of course Adam knew the alarm code. It was such an Adam thing to do. Even though there was no immediate danger to Caden or any of them from the cartel, that didn’t mean that they were safe. Rocky Lake had been changing over the last few years and not for the better.
Sam knew his way around Lincoln’s house so he headed to the living room where he could hear Caden talking. Walking in, he really looked at his friend. Caden had the cutest pout on his face as he’d been captured in Lincoln’s lap. Lincoln was dressed casually in a black pair of sweatpants and a white shirt with a silly pumpkin on it. Wow, just the beginning of October and it seemed that Halloween was already in the air. He turned as Adam walked in behind him in a new pair of pajama bottoms that were also orange but had leaves on them.
“I feel overdressed,” Sam quipped. He was not pouting. Not at all.
“Then you should go change.” Lincoln held out a pile of clothes to Sam and Sam was relieved that orange seemed to be missing from his clothes. He did hate that color although he enjoyed the fall decorations around town.
Sam grinned down at the pajama set then ran toward the closest bathroom. He really did have the best of friends and Lincoln was an awesome Daddy. It couldn’t be easy for Lincoln to not only have a new relationship with Caden but also understand that Sam and Adam came along.
Sam quickly undressed before he unfolded the set of clothes he’d been given. It matched the fall theme that was happening but more Sam’s style. The pink pants and shirt were covered with dancing witches, and he grinned. The clothes fit perfectly, and Sam folded up the jeans and sweater that he’d worn to the bank, leaving them on the counter for the drive home. One last deep breath and he turned toward the door and opened it.
He skipped into the living room and presented himself like the fabulous person he was.
Caden clapped, Lincoln laughed, and Adam rolled his eyes. Just the reactions he expected.
“Snacks and drinks are on the coffee table. I’ll let you all talk.” Lincoln started to stand but Sam held up his hand, shaking his head.
“Stay, please. This is something that I want to share with you too.”
“If you’re sure?” Lincoln settled back in his chair and Caden dropped back down onto his Daddy’s lap.
Sam sat on the couch next to Adam, wondering where to start. The beginning was probably the best place, right? Adam reached over and captured Sam’s hand before giving him an encouraging squeeze. “My full name is Samson Emerson Stewart.”
Chapter Two
“Huh,” Caden said with a frown. “I always thought Sam stood for Samuel.”
He didn’t get it, but Sam wasn’t surprised. Caden didn’t keep up with current events and he never watched the news. The looks on Adam’s and Lincoln’s face showed Sam they knew what his secret meant.
“I had no idea,” Adam said. He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry.”
Adam shifted beside him on the couch and lifted Sam into his lap. He hugged Sam tightly and Sam knew that he really was loved. He really hadn’t had anything to worry about.
“I…what am I missing?” Caden whispered.
“Sam will explain,” Lincoln responded quietly.
Looking across the room into Caden’s confused but trusting eyes, Sam gave his best smile. “My father is Senator Emerson Stewart.”
Caden shrugged. “Okay? That means he’s some hotshot guy, right? You don’t talk to him though. What does it matter?”
“I haven’t spoken to anyone in my family except my grandmother, my mom’s mom, since the night that I graduated from high school and ran away from home.”
“Ran away?” Caden replied.
“The only person who knew I was leaving or where I ended up was my grandmother.” Sam gripped Adam’s arm. “My father started off as a fundamental Christian preacher before becoming very well known for his sermons shown on television. He then decided to get into politics.”
“Your dad was a preacher?” Caden asked with a frown.