Page 61 of Coffee & Cuffs
Sam giggled but was rolled onto his back as Carson’s hand covered his crotch.
“Did my baby doll already come?” Carson rubbed hard.
Sam nodded, not ashamed that he’d humped the bed to completion. That was one of the best things about wearing a diaper. Easy cleanup.
“Hmm, I better look.” Sitting back, Carson tugged off Sam’s silk shorts before he undid the diaper. “Such a pretty sight.”
He gasped when Carson leaned down and began to lick up the mess that Sam had made. Yes, it was just cum, but it was cold and messy. His cock did not mind the attention at all, and it didn’t take long for him to get hard again.
Carson chuckled. “Oh, to be in my twenties again. I can’t leave my boy hard though.” He sucked on the head of Sam’s shaft before taking him down.
Even though he’d just had a release, the attention on his sensitive prick was almost too much. Carson’s tongue caressed his cock. Sam humped up, thrusting his cock in his Daddy’s mouth, until he had a smaller but not less powerful orgasm.
Carson smiled down at him after popping off Sam’s cock. “Good morning, baby doll.”
“Morning, Daddy.”
The alarm from Carson’s phone began to beep and Sam groaned. Now he didn’t want to get up.
“Perfect timing,” Carson said, amused.
He snorted. That was such a Carson thing to say. It hadn’t taken long for Sam to realize that his Daddy was a morning person. Now that Sam was sleeping better and the nightmares hadn’t returned, Sam didn’t mind morning as much. Although admittedly it was nice to have someone to wake up with.
“How about a shower and then Daddy helps you dress before I make us breakfast?”
Stretching his arms over his head, Sam yawned then nodded. “Okay. Will you pick something pretty?”
“I would like to. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have more visitors in the shop today, so I want you to be comfortable.”
Sam thought about that. Carson was probably right. “You like the way I dress. My friends and customers don’t mind. I might regret it later but right now I just want to be me. I shouldn’t have to change what I like.”
Carson leaned down to kiss him thoroughly before hugging Sam tight. “I’m so proud of you. I know it’s not easy when what you like isn’t socially normal, but, baby doll, you are so above all those normal people. If you start to get anxious or doubt yourself, remember that Daddy picked your outfit special just for you.”
That was what Sam told himself he would do. He just hoped he didn’t let himself or his Daddy down.
* * * * *
The morning rush was finally over. Sam wiped his brow with the back of his hand. It had been a busy shift, but luckily he, Adam, Caden, and Mickey had been able to handle the demand.
It appeared that everyone in his adopted town had wanted to stop by and show their support. Carson hadn’t allowed Sam to watch the news the previous night but Sam overheard snippets of people talking about his father and the increase in strangers in town. They closed ranks around the residents and strangers were getting very suspicious looks.
All morning Sam had been wary of someone saying something to him as he kept an eye on every person he didn’t know. Luckily, no one approached or made comments to him.
One member or another of Lucas’s tattoo crew had been in and out of the shop so they were never alone. It was nice knowing that the connections they were making meant something to those around him. Sam had lived in Rocky Lake long enough that he trusted the people around him.
As customers finally started to clear out, Adam and Mickey rushed to clean up the dirty tables. Caden was busy scrubbing down the espresso station and his area. Busy shifts were both a blessing and a curse for Caden. It was better when they were busy and Caden could get in a groove but too many people and the increase in volume also played havoc on his nerves. Caden was growing more confident every day with the support of Lincoln, but his trauma didn’t go away just because he was happy.
Sam sidled up beside Caden. “You doing okay?”
Turning his head, Caden gazed up at him with wide eyes. “It was a lot of people.”
“Yeah. You did great though and everyone was happy.”
“They all seemed nice enough. No one yelled and I didn’t get scared.”
Leaning his shoulder against Caden’s back, he lowered his voice. “I’m proud of you. You’ve really helped me out this week and I know you don’t like being away from Lincoln this much.”