Page 67 of Coffee & Cuffs
“Yes,” Carson replied. “When we find Victor Munoz, he won’t see the light of day again. Even now I have the team in Vegas rounding up the cartel members. Whoever is feeding me this intel has something on all the major players.”
Sam smiled. “So maybe it’s not something to worry about.”
“You’re right.” Carson turned into his drive. “With the next two days with my baby doll I am going to enjoy every minute of our time together.”
“And what are we going to be doing?” Sam waggled his brows.
“Tonight, we’re going to cuddle together on the porch and watch the rain come in. Some hot soup and my baby on my lap. I can’t think of a better way to relax.”
“That sounds fantastic,” Sam said. He was looking forward to more time at the lake house with his Daddy.
They pulled up in front of the house and Sam smiled. He loved his apartment, but it was nice being out of the middle of town, far from the strangers in town that everyone worried about.
No one had been able to relax yet as more news crews had moved in, but Adam had barred any reporters from the shop. It helped to keep the pressure off Sam as Carson had been working late hours. But now he would have all of Carson’s attention for the next two days.
Carson turned off the engine and undid his seatbelt before leaning over and kissing Sam deeply.
Sam clung to the front of Carson’s shirt as his mouth was ravished. By the time that Carson was pulling away, Sam was trying to climb out of his seat with his hard cock throbbing.
“Not in the car, baby doll,” Carson said. “We have a perfectly good house that I plan to eventually have you in every room.”
Excitement coursed through him. “Oh yeah?”
“Come on, baby.” Carson opened his door as Sam fumbled to undo his seatbelt.
His door opened with Carson leaning over to help him.
“I love how excited you are, baby doll.” He got the seatbelt to unlatch before helping Sam from the SUV.
Sam grabbed Carson’s hand as he danced his way up the steps. The porch was lit warmly and Sam could already see himself wrapped in Carson’s arms. The swing beckoned him as Carson tugged him inside.
“Daddy!” Sam whined.
“I need to warm up the soup. You can gather pillows and blankets for us and put them on the swing. I think we have just enough time to eat before the rain starts.”
“Okay!” Sam already knew what blanket he wanted to choose. There was a super soft red one that Sam had fallen in love with.
Carson unlocked the door and Sam raced inside. “I get started!” he hollered.
“Be careful running, baby. You don’t want to fall.”
Sam waved a hand over his head. He wore his favorite pair of tan Ugg boots with a pair of fall-themed leggings and a tan sweater. His Daddy was the best at putting outfits together for him. Nothing was too girly or colorful. Carson embraced Sam’s wardrobe in a way that Sam hadn’t enjoyed in years. Having his Uggs on was good because he could run and dance around and not get hurt.
He skipped into the bedroom and to the bed. His favorite blanket was folded on the end and Sam picked it up before bringing it to his face. He inhaled the scent of his Daddy and was in heaven.
Sam threw the red blanket over his shoulder before he grabbed the comforter as well. That should be plenty of covers. He rushed from the room and to the front door. Sam dropped off the blankets on the swing before heading back inside the house.
“Close the door please,” Carson called from the kitchen.
He had to backtrack and close the door but that slight turn had his eye catching on the pillows that were lined along the long couch in the living room. Those were perfect and he could line the back and sides of the swing with them. Sam managed to grab half the pillows then headed back out the front. It took him a little time to get the pillows situated so he could head back into the house.
“Door!” Carson yelled again.
Sam sighed but closed the door again. It wasn’t like he wasn’t going right back out. Still his Daddy had rules and Sam didn’t feel like pushing boundaries at the moment. Another night? Sam might have to show Carson his bratty side.
He collected the rest of the pillows then headed back. It would have been a lot simpler if he’d been able to keep the door open. He fumbled and dropped one pillow as he finally managed to tug the door open. He took a step forward as something metal touched his forehead.
The rest of the pillows tumbled to the ground.