Page 40 of Missing
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Finally, pay dirt. Nerves stretched taut, Mason’s gut clenched as he realized he might very well come face-to-face with his daughter within the next few minutes. He tried not to think about the fact that she might not be alive if he found her.Whenhe found her. His mind returned to his impromptu search in the dark last night.
Anxiety twisted inside him and he almost wished he hadn’t pushed God aside over the last few years. In fact, saying a prayer to a God who heard him sounded like a really good idea right now. And he hadn’t been kidding Lacey when he said he felt as if God might have a plan in bringing her home. He wasn’t sure where those words had come from, but they felt right.
Everything that had happened over the last couple of days had thrown him for a loop. And brought him face-to-face with his spiritual side. He would have to explore that whole thing later.
Right now, he had a daughter out there who needed his help. He just prayed he was able to reach her in time.
Mason considered his decision to refuse to allow Lacey to come with them.
But there hadn’t been any other option.
This man might very well have their daughter—and a weapon. Mason couldn’t concentrate on what he needed to do if he had to watch out for Lacey, too.
She hadn’t been happy with him, but her safety was more important than making her happy. Mason watched Daniel drive and wasn’t sure whether he trusted the man or not. Right now, he didn’t have a choice. “You know we’re going to have to talk about the past at some point.”
Daniel shot him a look. “Nothing to talk about.”
“Come on, Daniel, you know there is.”
“I don’t think you want to open that can of worms. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past few years, it is that dwelling on the past brings nothing but pain and heartache.” His fingers clenched the wheel in a death grip. “So just let it go.”
Mason wondered what the man meant by that statement and vowed to press deeper when the opportunity presented itself.
Daniel pulled up to a two-story wooden structure that had seen better days, while Joseph pulled in behind them.
The place looked deserted, but experience taught him that didn’t always mean it was.
Climbing out of the car, he led the approach to the house at an angle, eyeing the windows, the surrounding properties, every possible place that could harbor a man who didn’t want to talk to the police.
Even though the sun shone brightly on the old home, the eerie silence made the hairs on the back of Mason’s neck stand straight up. He stopped next to the porch and gripped the railing.
Daniel looked at him and frowned. Mason read the message in the man’s eyes. He didn’t like it, either.
Long ago, he’d learned to listen to his instincts. Mason reached for the gun secured in the shoulder holster, and let the weighted reassurance rest in his palm.
No sooner had he gripped the butt of the gun, when the door of the house flew open.
A pair of startled brown eyes stared back at him. When John Howe realized who stood on his porch, he spun around and darted back inside.
“Mr. Howe! Stop!”
The uneven receding footsteps told Mason that the man wasn’t interested in stopping. And while he hadn’t seen a weapon, he kept his gun ready and bolted after the fleeing figure. Joseph had taken off around the side of the house to head Howe off at the back.
Daniel followed after Mason, feet thumping against the dried dirt that looked like it hadn’t seen grass or water in a long time.
Rounding the corner, Mason saw Howe execute a martial arts kick to the stomach that landed Joseph on his back gasping for air.
“Freeze, Mr. Howe!” Daniel ordered.
Once again, the man ignored them and with a pained grimace, turned and raced away disappearing back toward the front of the house.
“You okay?” Mason hollered as he raced past Joseph who was scrambling to his feet.
“Just get him,” Joseph gritted out through gasps for air.
A screech of brakes and a loud thud reached his ears and coming around to the front of the house he saw a black Mercedes halfway in the driveway.