Page 19 of Sleighed
Josie laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Uhhh…” I shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
Twenty minutes later, we were sitting at the dining room table. Since Josie’s living room didn’t have a lamp to plug into a power strip, we ate our meal by candlelight.
The room was so quiet. I watched as she refilled her wine glass. Mid-pour, she looked up and caught my eyes on her.
“What?” she said.
I shook my head. “Nothing.”
“Well, you’re staring at me, so it’s not nothing. Tell me what you were just thinking.”
Since what your lips taste like probably wasn’t a good answer, I said something else I had wondered about. “What got you started with the Christmas over-decorating?”
She smiled sadly. “William. William got me started. He was a student of mine. I had him in class nine years ago, in my second year of teaching. He had spina bifida and was confined to a wheelchair, but you’d never know it from his attitude. He was the happiest child I’ve ever met—and he loved Christmas. He used to decorate his wheelchair with lights and ornaments two months before the holiday. Because of his spinal-cord issues, he’d had quite a few back surgeries. He was preparing for his sixth one, which was scheduled for after our school year ended. It was supposed to give him a chance to walk with a walker for the first time ever. The last thing he said to me before summer break was that everything was going to be okay because he had asked Santa for sea legs in December.” Josie shook her head and wiped a tear from her eye. “An unexpected blood clot broke apart during his surgery. It went to his heart. He died on the table.”
“Jesus. I’m sorry.”
She wiped another tear. “It’s okay. You would think after almost ten years, I’d be able to talk about it without crying. But apparently not.”
“You have every reason to be upset. There’s no timeline for healing from something like that.”
Josie forced a smile. “Thank you. Anyway…I wanted to do something to honor William. So the next year I did a big Christmas display and put out a collection box for donations to the Spina Bifida Association. Some of the parents heard about it and came and made donations. One thing led to another, and each year I made the display bigger and more kids came. We’ve collected more than fifty-thousand dollars over the last nine holiday seasons.”
“Wow. That’s awesome.”
“Yeah. William would be thrilled about the display, so it makes me happy to do it each year.”
And here I was avoiding this woman because she reminded me of Jessica. This woman was nothing like my ex. She was kind and caring, and damn, she could cook.
I forked another bite of the manicotti and stopped with it halfway to my mouth. “This is delicious, by the way. Best meal I’ve had in…I don’t know how long.”
“Thank you. Have more. I have a bad habit of cooking for four even though it’s just little old me.”
Josie really seemed like the whole package, so how come it was just little old her? “Why is that?”
“Why do I cook for four?”
“No, why isn’t there anyone in your life to cook for?”
“Oh…” She shrugged. “I don’t know. I date once in a while. Had a boyfriend for a while, but we broke up last year. So I guess…I just haven’t met the right person.”
I nodded.
Josie sipped her wine. “Are you sure you don’t want some? This merlot is delicious.”
I’d declined earlier since I had to work tonight. But when she offered a second time, I couldn’t resist. “Sure, why not?”
She poured me a glass and looked at me over the brim of hers. “And you—what’s your story?” She motioned to my empty plate. “I take it from the way you just scarfed down that food that you don’t have a woman in your life cooking for you?”
I shook my head. “No woman in my life anymore. But even when the last one was still around, I didn’t get a home-cooked meal. My ex, Jessica, burned water.”
Josie laughed. “I’m sure she wasn’t that bad.”
“She tried to make me a birthday cake one year. She set the oven on fire. The fire department trashed my kitchen putting it out.”
Josie chuckled, probably assuming I was exaggerating. Sadly, I wasn’t.
I gazed across the table at her, taking in her smile. The candlelight cast a glow on her face that created an angelic aura. She really was beautiful, and at the moment, while her guard was down, she looked vulnerable. It made me want to be honest with her.
“I apologize for being so harsh with you about your Christmas display.”
“It’s okay. I get how the traffic can be annoying, especially to someone who works from home and counts on quiet.”
I looked down at my plate for a moment. “My being an asshole actually had nothing to do with your Christmas display, if I’m being truthful.”