Page 22 of Sleighed
“No. Just black, please.”
I passed him his coffee. “You know, I could have guessed that. You seem like a black coffee kind of guy.”
“Oh yeah?” He leaned his hip against the kitchen counter and sipped. “What exactly are the characteristics of a black coffee kind of guy?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know… I guess they’re sort of…like you.”
He chuckled. “So maybe like a neighbor who backs over those flower beds you have at the end of the driveway and doesn’t say anything?”
“Actually, you’d probably say something. You’d tell me it was my fault.”
Cole hung his head and laughed. “I can see I made a really good impression on you.”
I waved him off. “Eh, it’s okay. Some of the best men I know come across as stoic and grumpy, but deep down they have a heart of gold. My dad and brother are that way, so I don’t give up easily on people. I keep looking until I find something redeeming.”
Cole smiled. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
“By the way,” I said. “I finally got through to the electric company this morning. There’s a twenty-block power outage. There was a fire in the main transformer or something like that—so it wasn’t my fault after all. But they said it could be two or three days before we get full power restored.”
Cole sighed. “Great. I guess I’ll pick up a generator today.” He finished drinking his coffee and rinsed his mug in the sink. “Thank you again for letting me use your electricity last night. And again, I apologize for overstaying my welcome.”
I set my coffee mug in the sink. “Actually, it works out well that you stayed. Now when I call my mother this weekend and she asks how things are going on the man front, I can tell her I had a man stay over the other night, and I won’t be lying.”
Cole’s eyes did a quick sweep over my body, and he flashed a sexy grin. “You better tell her I was good.”
“Oh, no worries. You were fantastic.”
He nodded with a smile. “Thank you. I aim to please.”
For some reason—the same way I’d known he would take his coffee black—I was certain Cole was indeed a man who would aim to please in bed. As I walked him to the door, I stole a glance at his firm ass. His jeans hugged him nicely, and I imagined his naked derrière matched his muscular abs.
He turned around unexpectedly, and my eyes jumped to meet his.
“Well, if you can’t find a generator for some reason,” I said, “you’re welcome to come back and work here again tonight or charge your laptop or whatever you need.” I wrote down my phone number on a piece of paper. “Just text me first so I know you’re coming over.”
Cole smiled as he took the number. “Thanks, Josie. Have a good day.”
“You, too.”
After work, I stopped and ran some errands. So when I pulled into my driveway, it was already starting to get dark. I took two bags of groceries out of the trunk of my car and looked over at my neighbor’s house. There weren’t any lights on, but there was a ladder set up out front. And were those Christmas lights strung over the windows? Why yes, yes, they were. My sexy scrooge neighbor was hanging holiday decorations?
I set the bags in my arms back down in the trunk and strolled across the street. Cole walked out his front door just as I reached the top of his driveway.
“Scrooge hung up Christmas lights?” I asked. “Am I seeing things?”
He smiled. “I figured it was the least I could do since you let me borrow your generator and crash on your couch. I thought you might like the entire block lit up better than a bottle of wine or something to say thank you.”
“I do! I love that you did all that for me.”
“Good.” Cole held up one finger. “Hang on a sec.” He disappeared into his house and came back out carrying a brown paper bag. Extending it to me, he said, “I also bought you wine, in case the lights weren’t enough.”
I felt warmth in my belly, even though it was cold outside. “Thank you. That was very thoughtful.”
“No problem. But confession…I might also have bought it because I need to butter you up. The store was sold out of generators. My laptop is almost out of juice again. If you don’t mind, it would be great if I could plug in and charge it later.”
“Oh, sure. No problem.” I nodded toward the house. “Do you like tortellini alfredo? That’s what I’m making for dinner. We could share this bottle and eat while your laptop charges. Think of how excited my mom will be if I tell her a man slept over and he came for dinner the very next night?”