Page 27 of A New Era
Looking at me, she admits, “Our first dance, and everyone watching.”
She pulls at her gloves as she speaks, and I’d bet my last dollar it’s not the amount of guests as much as it’s them wondering why she wears her gloves.
She shudders and I wind my arm around her tighter as well as reach into her pocket for her cell. Opening her music app, I scroll through her playlists, and it occurs to me I have no idea what song our first dance would be danced to. She has thousands of songs on here and I give up, handing it to her.
“Play what we’ll dance to on the day,” I tell her.
She scrolls through her playlists and stops on a song I’ve not heard of. I take the phone from her and hit play. Placing it on the grass, I stand and pull her up with me. Pulling her against me, I hold her hand and place my hand across her back.
Her giggles warm me. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?”
Under the moon and stars, we dance to our song, and I murmur, “I will always love you.”
She leans back and smiles up at me. “That’s nice to hear.”
Spinning her around, I pull her back into me and kiss the top of her head.
“No matter what we face, it’ll be together. I know you’re nervous about the number of guests, but I’ll be proud as fuck having them all watch as I tie myself to you. I’ll be by your side the whole time.”
She relaxes in my hold and sighs. “I’m not so nervous now.”
We dance for a while longer and as I hold the reason for my life in my arms, I silently vow to her all that I will on our wedding day.
The song comes to an end, and she looks up at me. Her love and trust in me shines brightly in her eyes. I can’t form a single thought so I kiss her, hoping she feels everything I can’t say in this moment.
“The part you were most nervous about is done and only for us.”
Her smile is almost ethereal under the moonlight. “Since we have the house to ourselves tonight, how about you take me home and I’ll show you how loving I’m feeling right now.”
“As your man, I can’t deny you.”
I have her on the back of my bike before a minute can be wasted and I ride away from the lakes glad that we shared a part of our wedding just for us.
A part of me wants to keep Holly all for myself but the more rational part of me knows she needs the club at her back as much as I do. I’ve wondered how our dynamic will work as president and old lady. My parents made it look easy, they flowed together like fish swimming down the tide. But I know we’ll find our way, I don’t fear we won’t.
The second we ride into the club, I know our plans will have to wait. JJ is waiting for me, and I know why. An SUV is parked in its usual place and there’s only one family who shows up here in that car.
The Haywards are here.
It seems the cookout has ended and only a few brothers linger. Holly jumps off first and I dismount my bike as JJ walks over.
“Jamie Boy and Ritchie are here.”
“I can see.” Turning to Holly, I say, “Go get ready for me. I shouldn’t be long.”
Slapping her ass as she turns to walk off, I join JJ and together, we walk into the bar, and lo and behold, the two kings sit at my table with a drink in hand.
“If you had called, I would’ve been here when you arrived,” I say, pulling out a chair.
“We haven’t been waiting long,” Jamie Boy says. “We were in the area and thought we’d speak in person. Our shipment has doubled, hence, you’ll need to prepare for it for next week.”
They were in the area? We’re not exactly local.
“We’ll be ready, and while you’re here, there’s something you need to know… unless you already do.”
“What’s that?” Ritchie asks.