Page 46 of A New Era
“You must be excited about the wedding coming up,” she says but I can’t help noticing the sadness still hovering around her.
“It’s coming around fast for sure, but pretty much everything is done. It’s just a waiting game now.”
I pour out the wine and she takes the glass when I offer it. I notice she doesn’t wear a ring on her fourth finger, but I do know she’s with Jonah.
“You’re with Jonah, right?” I ask for something to say.
She nods and takes a large gulp of her wine.
“How long have you been together?” I push to keep the conversation going.
“Just over three years, though sometimes it feels a lot longer,” she jests but her strangled laugh turns to sobs and tears stream down her cheeks.
I’ve never seen someone break down so fast in front of me before. Forgetting my hands, I automatically reach out and squeeze her arm.
“Hey, it’s okay.”
Her chest heaves with heavy sobs and I end up pulling her against me and holding her tightly.
“You can talk to me. If there’s something wrong, I’ll do anything I can to help you.”
After a few long moments, her sobs fade, and she leans back. She uses her sleeve to dab around her eyes and wipes her nose.
As soon as the first word leaves her lips, she doesn’t stop. “I used to love him so much, I was saturated in it. I beg him every day to let me go but he vows he never will… I hate him.”
I cut her off and my stomach turns as I ask, “Has he… does he hurt you?”
“Never physically. I thought it was us against the world, but it turns out, it was me against the world as he fucked his way through it. I’ve lost count of the times he’s stepped out on me, but I do know I’m dead inside now. I feel nothing and yet, I want to live…” Her sobs return and I pull her in for another hug while she lets it all out.
“I need to get out,” she murmurs, “Can you help me with that?”
“Do you have a plan or…”
“Sorry, I didn’t know you had company,” Leo grunts from the doorway.
Beth jumps back and stands. She hastily swipes at her eyes and looks down at me. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have burdened you with this. Forget I said anything.”
She’s quick to leave and Leo barely has the time to move out of her way.
“What the fuck was that about?” he asks once we hear the front door close.
I finish my wine, needing a moment before I speak. She must’ve kept her feelings locked in for a long time. She purged like she was running out of air. I take my glass along with Beth’s into the kitchen and Leo follows.
“How well do you know Jonah?” I ask first.
“Well, enough. Why do you ask?”
“If I tell you something, you won’t tell anyone, will you?”
The pit between his brows deepens and it looks like I’ve offended him.
“I’d never betray you.”
Inhaling deeply, I tell him, “Jonah cheats on her all the time and she’s had enough.”
“What’s that got to do with you?”
At first, my defences rise. Why should it be a question of why she would talk to me?