Page 52 of A New Era
“Our shipment arrived safely,” Jamie Boy jumps straight in.
“We know you’re getting married, but we’ve got another shipment coming in and we’d like it transported before your big day,” Ritchie says.
“It’s risky to up the regularity of our runs. We’re not exactly discreet in our numbers as we ride through towns,” Dad says, and I nod in agreement.
“After this run, there won’t be one till next month. You’ll have your time to lay low,” Jamie Boy says. “And of course, you’ll be paid accordingly.”
Ritchie sits forward and swills his whiskey. “Now tell us what’s going on with Effie.”
Taking a deep breath, I tell them, “She believes Luca’s broke away from us, tempted by the money she’s offering. He’s waiting for word from her.”
They hang around longer than usual, sharing drinks and stories from England and their family’s rise to power.
Their capacity for brutality in a fair manner is actually a pretty fair way of retaining their power and a strong foothold on their territories.
They’re not so different from the club. We’ve kept our hold for decades and I intend to keep it that way.
Zach moves the cash to the office as the Haywards stand to leave. Walking them out, Wyatt, Cookie, and Jonah are arriving back, and on the back of Jonah’s bike is Beth.
Keeping my eye on her, I shake Jamie Boy and Ritchie’s hands and forget they were ever here as they drive out.
Jonah’s nose is taped up and the bruising is already tainting his eyes. Beth climbs off the bike and he’s quick to follow and pull her under his arm. Spotting me, he walks over and the difference in him is ridiculous. He’s no longer on his toes, he’s relaxed and smiling, carefree.
“I wanna apologise, Prez. I should never have accused Holly of going against me. As you can see, I caught up to Beth and she’s come home. She explained to me Holly had no idea what she was up to.” He smacks a lingering kiss on the top of her head.
“I’m sorry for causing such trouble,” Beth says meekly.
Narrowing my eyes at Jonah, I soften when I look at her. “Don’t worry about it,” I tell her, wondering if this is going to be not only a shit show but a shit storm.
There’s a spark in her eye now and I just know there’s so much more Holly and now I am missing.
“Come on, Princess, you’ve had a long day.” He takes her over to the main house and Wyatt steps up beside me.
“What’s his fuckin’ deal? He taking medication for that craziness?” I ask him.
“I wish he would,” he sighs. “Whenever she leaves him, he hunts her down, finds her, and then for a few months he plays house with her so you won’t see that side of him again while we’re here.”
“This isn’t the first time she’s run off?” I frown.
“Fuck no.” He snorts. “It’s fucked up but aside from cheating on her, he treats her good.”
I fail to understand his logic, but I honestly couldn’t give a shit. It’s been a long day, and I can’t be fucked with the headache.
For the last time today, I head for home and lock up behind me, shooting Jay a text that unless the club is on fire or a brother is in the ground, to leave me the fuck alone.
Holly’s snuggled on the couch, the movie it appears she was watching ended, and the credits running. Perching my ass on the edge, she wakes with fright and then smiles when she sees it’s me.
“You home for the night?” she asks.
“Yeah. You’ll never guess who I just saw?”
She frowns and asks, “Who?”
“Beth. Jonah found her and brought her back.”
She lurches up to sitting and concern fills her.
“But I saw her get on the bus, she would’ve been hours away from here.”