Page 59 of A New Era
“It’s fuckin’ good to see us all together, who knew you could fit so many ugly fuckers in one room!” JP hollers and the bar erupts into laughter.
“Talk for yourself, asshole,” Sparky yells.
JP falls into the chair beside me and lowers his voice when he says, “I’m real happy for you gettin’ married but I’ve never given you my condolences for losing the momma of your kid. That shit, no matter how long in the past, is always painful, but I’m glad you’ve found someone.”
“Thanks, brother. Holly’s amazing and she’s a great mother to Rayna.”
“I found my Demi after losing my first wife to cancer. At the time I didn’t think I’d ever find anyone or even want to. But the first time I laid eyes on her, she trapped me. The first time she spoke to me, I never wanted her to speak to anyone else. And the first night we spent together, I knew I'd never let her go. She’s been in my bed every single night since, even when I go on the road, she comes with.”
“My mom always tells me life chooses for us, that you can’t stop destiny. I’ve learned not to fight it.”
He tips his bottle to mine and smirks. “Your mom has always been a wise woman. I remember making the ride out here for her and your dad’s wedding. Makes me feel fuckin’ old that I’m now here for yours.”
I bark out a laugh. However, what I don’t hear from him is how he’s reached his age and he’s still alive and breathing. It’s what I strive for. To reach an age where I have a lifetime of memories and I get to watch my kid get married, if I ever let her.
“We’ve only been here twenty minutes and I’m already hearing the southern chapter is in hot water. That true?”
Sighing, I nod. “We’ll discuss it when Mercy arrives. It will be hard enough keeping my cool one time let alone multiple times.”
“I hear ya. But with the patch comes headaches, ball aches, and stomach aches when you get to a certain age.” He laughs. “Though I’m sure you’ll learn it yourself pretty quickly.”
He’s not wrong. I’m learning fast and I’ve learned to set how people see me early. By the time life returns to normal and the chapters returns home, the brothers will know exactly what’s expected of them moving forward.
“I told ya I don’t bring any news of trouble, but I do have some news.”
“Go on.”
“This will be my last ride as president. I guess I’m following in your dad’s footsteps apart from I’ve been diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s. The brothers know that when we get home, they’ll be voting on who takes the gavel.”
“Shit. I’m sorry, JP.”
“Thanks. Thought I’d ride till I died but when shit gets worse, I’ll end up killing everyone else around me on the road. My old lady deserves to have time with me before I’m a fuckin’ liability.”
“She won’t see it that way, brother.”
“Nah, she won’t but I will, and I won’t put her through it. I know how it feels to watch someone you love die slowly and painfully, I won’t do it to her. I’ve had a longer life than most in this world, can’t say I’m ready to go out, but I’m too tired to fight the inevitable.”
I frown. “You planning on taking yourself out?”
“Damn, fuckin’ right I am. When the time comes I’m not going out a shakin’, dribblin’ mess. I’ll enjoy the time I get and then put a bullet in my head. All my assets are in order. My old lady won’t want for anything. Then pop, I’m gone.”
Shit. I don’t know what’s worse. The shit storm the southern charter is in or hearing this shit.
“Is this common knowledge?”
“My charter knows, my old lady, and your dad, too. I called him just after I was diagnosed.”
“He didn’t say anything.”
“I asked him not to. I wanted the so-called pleasure myself.”
“I don’t know what to say, man.”
“Not much to say, brother. It is what it is. It’s the hand I’ve been dealt. I should’ve been dead a long time ago. I’m lucky I had this long. Don’t start crying for me, I don’t need your tears.”
Trying to lighten the moment, I snort. “Please, like I’ve got the time to cry over your ass.”
Death is always a constant reminder that it’s coming for us all at some point. As arrogant as we all are, none of us will escape the Grim Reaper when he comes knocking.