Page 66 of A New Era
His genuine confusion has me not waiting for a reply and making sure Jay’s behind me, I wait till we’re on our bikes to explain.
“Holly’s been arrested, our friendly sheriff planted a key of heroin in her car.”
“The fuck?”
I bring my bike to life and I’m about to peel out of here when JJ grabs onto my hoodie sleeve.
“I know you’re pissed, but she’s still the fuckin’ sheriff and we’re gonna be going into her patch. You lose your shit, you’ll be in the cell next to Holly.”
Grinding my teeth, I grate out, “I got it.”
Though I warned her to stay the fuck away, it seems she wants to test me and I’m not going to fucking let her down.
As JJ and I ride into town, I can’t see past the haze to form a plan. All I see is Holly in a cell, knowing what she’s hearing… the bars clinking, people shouting, guards taking the piss. The holding cell in the town police station won’t be like that but still, I don’t want her in there.
The thing that makes me the angriest is I promised Holly I’d keep her safe and I’ve already failed her. We’re not even married yet and I’ve let her down.
I don’t care if we’re parking in the red zone outside the station. I shove the door open and walk inside. The place is the quietest I’ve ever heard it. It’s like I’m expected. Stopping at the front desk, I slam my fist on the counter and demand, “Get me the fuckin’ sheriff.”
The flake behind the desk gets on the phone and the good old sheriff of Willow’s Peak comes strutting out of her office with a fucking smirk on her face that I’m itching to slap away.
“I told you, Leo, you’re not all above the law. Your fiancée was driving with over a key of brown…”
Officers move in as I jump over the front desk and get in her face. “I fuckin’ warned you.”
“And I told you, you weren’t above the law.”
Smirking, I say, “When I’m digging a grave for your nephew, the last words he’s going to hear is how he’s gonna die because of you.”
Her smirk slips away. She motions for the officers to move back and her eyes dance as she returns my glare.
“If you wanna call my bluff, you better have yourself a pretty black dress for his funeral… if you can find his body.”
After a few beats of silence, she orders, “Rogers, release Mr. Jackson’s fiancée,” while keeping her eyes on mine.
“You’ll do well to wait outside before you do or say anything else that will put you in her place.”
For once I agree with her. “I want her out of here in no more than five minutes. Make it quick.”
I hold her stare a few moments longer and physically force myself to leave the building before I burn it to the fucking ground.
Jay’s giving the shit eye to two officers climbing out of their cruiser when I step outside and light a cigarette.
“Don’t pull anything until Holly’s on the back of my bike,” I warned him.
“Hey, wasn’t I the one warning you to watch yourself not that long ago?” He laughs and then sobers up. “We can’t have her picking up old ladies trying to get to us.”
“No shit, brother. She won’t get away with this, trust me.”
I’m glad I had Zach fly halfway across the world and sent the twins out to gather intel on her sister. I knew I’d need it one day and that day has come.
“I just warned my mom the other day to watch her back with the sheriff. I thought she’d be the one they’d go for. I didn’t see this with Holly coming.”
And I should have. My dad will say, you can’t see everything, but it doesn’t stop the notion of feeling like I should be able to, especially when it comes to my old lady.
“She just wants your attention. You walked in there and less than five minutes later you’re walking out, and Holly’s being released. She’s fucking with you.”
“No fuckin’ shit, Jay. Tell me something I don’t know.” I desperately want to smash my fist into something, instead, I pull out my pack of cigarettes and light another cigarette. “She’s going to fuckin’ regret coming after Holly.”