Page 78 of A New Era
Jamie Boy produces an envelope from his jacket pocket and hands it over to me. Since it’s addressed to Mr and Mrs Jackson, I pass it over to Holly to open.
Working around her gloves, she rips it open and pulls out tickets. It better not be to some pompous opera show. I would rather sit on a cactus naked.
“Oh my God, am I reading this right?” Holly exclaims.
Leaning closer to get a better look, I see they’re flight tickets.
“Two first-class return tickets to London, leaving in three days.”
“The return date is a week later. We can’t accept this… as generous as it is.”
Ritchie smirks. “Of course, you can, and while you’re in our neck of the woods, we can show you the future.”
Holly places her hand on my arm and gently squeezes it twice. She wants to go and it’s obvious without the Haywards having to outright say, this isn’t a nice gesture. I’m wanted in London.
“Thank you.”
Kissing the side of Holly’s head, I say, “Why don’t you go start making arrangements for Rayna and I’ll meet you at the house.”
“Hey, Leo, we’ve gotta get goin’…”
Ritchie glances between Wyatt and me and huffs, “They shouldn’t leave just yet.”
“Give me ten minutes, Wy,” I holler and lead the Haywards into the bar.
“Your brother has been instructed to go on a run for Effie and we’re going to take advantage of finally having him on the inside,” Jamie Boy begins.
Ritchie unbuttons his jacket and takes a seat. “We’re running out of patience, and you have three hours to round up as many men as you can and be ready to head out.”
“Just like that?”
“Yeah, just like that. We have our soldiers waiting on word from Luca as to where he’s being asked to go.”
The Haywards are starting to piss me off. They always seem to have a plan behind a plan, yet they keep it locked tight from anyone who doesn’t share their name.
“Oh and let your wife know that it’s winter in England, she should pack warm.”
“I’ll get on it.” Catching up to Wyatt, I tell him, “Call back Mercy and Five Falls. I’ll explain in ten minutes.”
Letting myself into the house, Holly’s at the kitchen island writing a list from what I can see.
“I’m guessing you’ll have to deal with club business while we’re away but how crazy is it we’re going to London?” she beams.
“I admit it’ll be cool to see what the hype is about.”
“Rayna is going to spend a long weekend with Kristen and Slade and then three nights with your parents.”
“Huh, you sorted that out fast.”
Cocking her brow, she looks at me like I’m stupid. “It’s London.”
“Well, London is still a few days away and I’ve gotta head out of town today for a couple of days.”
Normal women would argue that it’s not even twenty-four hours since our vows, but Holly understands this is life. And that I’ll make it up to her when I can.
“Do you want me to pack for you?”
“Yes. And apparently, it’s winter over there, so pack our warm shit.”