Page 82 of A New Era
“It’s just a graze,” he tells me before I can ask.
He slings his good arm around me, and we walk over to the house. Inside, I busy myself collecting wet cloths and the first aid box.
“Sit,” I order, and he slides onto a stool at the island.
He takes his cut off and whips his t-shirt off. I undo the bandage and it’s more than a graze. Pursing my lips together, I get my shit together.
“This is a shot wound,” I point out. “Are you collecting them now?”
He snorts. “You’re funny.”
“I won’t be laughing when one of these bullets kills you one day. Do I need to remind you we’re married now, wives don’t take lightly to losing their husbands… especially two days after their wedding.”
For a moment I fear I’ve said the wrong thing after he lost India. But he plucks the roll of bandage from me, plonks it in the first aid box, and slides his hand around my waist.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promises.
“No bleeding from now on,” I warned him.
“I hear ya. Now kiss me, I’ve missed you.”
I press my lips to his and sweep my tongue over his when he parts his mouth. He tastes of home. Our tongues dance like we’ve been kissing all our lives. He pulls away leaving me breathless and asks me, “Are we packed and ready to go tomorrow?”
“We are,” I say with a big grin. “I still can’t believe we’re going to London.”
I cannot wait till we’re on the plane and up in the sky. For the last three days, it’s all I’ve been able to think about.
“I know being with you is accepting the club too, but I’m looking forward to having you to myself for a few days.”
He kisses me before saying, “We’ve got this, babe.”
But one thing stands in the way of the future, so I ask, “Did you get her?”
His smile turns from soft to wicked. “We did, though the Haywards wouldn’t let Luca kill her. They’re taking her back to London with them, something about they don’t wanna kill a woman, but their cousin will. I don’t know. I’m just glad it’s over.”
“What does it mean for the club moving forward?”
“I’m guessing that’s what I’m going to find out in London. But as of now, there isn’t anybody coming for us.”
I process the knowledge that Effie is no longer on the fringes of our lives while I clean his wound and bandage it up tight.
“You should get some sleep, we’re going to have a long couple of days.”
“I’ve gotta go talk to the guys first then I will.”
I start to tidy the bloody cloths and pack the first aid kit away when he takes my hand.
“Come with me.”
Outside, I bask in the sun shining over us and I’m taken aback a little by all the people congregating in front of the bar. I scan them all and point out, “Out of all the men here that went with you, you were the only one to get shot?”
His laugh warms me. “Babe, it didn’t kill me.”
“No, it didn’t.” I sigh. “I’m starting to think you’re invincible.”
He snorts. “You just learning that?”
With his arm around me, I tuck my hand into the back of his jeans as he calls for everyone’s attention. Old ladies are back at their man’s side, and I admit, it’s going to be strange when they all leave, and life returns to a quiet normal.