Page 32 of Blood Enchanted
“I just wanted to see how much longer you were going to be. This is the only bathroom upstairs, you know,”?Tabitha called out, voice tinged with tired annoyance.
“I’ll just be a few more minutes, and then it’s all yours.”
Alarm ricocheted through me as I looked at the amulet on the counter. With bated breath, I listened to Tabitha walk away before I released it. Quickly, I pulled the drain and toweled off before wrapping the chain of the amulet around my hand, the black obsidian digging into my palm. A shiver ran down my spine at the energy seeping from it, illuminating my frayed emotions.
I darted across the hall to my bedroom before softly shutting the door behind me. My movements were slow as I dropped the amulet with the rest of my jewelry. I hovered my hand over my usual quartz necklace that channeled my earth magick, though my gaze returned to the black stone.
If I was to use my spirit magick to find and break the talismans, I had to stop fearing the power within them. Alexei rarely spoke of his past with the spirit witches of Bled, but when he did share details of his limited time with the talismans before they became corrupted, something boyish and tender lit his dark gaze.
The amulet didn’t have to be my enemy, or even a reluctant ally; it could be my breakthrough with spirit magick. It was tempting, as alluring an idea as jumping into Alexei’s bed and losing myself to his seduction—damn the consequences.
Shaking my head, I clasped my usual quartz necklace around my neck before I could change my mind.
After dressing in a burgundy sweater dress and boots, I crept downstairs for a cup of coffee and breakfast. Liliane sat at the kitchen table with Willa, both witches dressed in eclectic bohemian dresses and shawls. They conversed over their weekend plans as they sipped steaming mugs of fragrant tea, looking completely at ease.
When my foot caught on a loose floorboard, they whipped their heads toward me, shattering the intimacy of their morning.
Liliane watched me with a wicked grin, twirling another spoonful of honey into her mug. “Jade, come and sit. I’ve already made you a cup of Diane Winthrop’s famous relaxation tea. A staple in this household.”?
Willa coughed, hiding a laugh against the sleeve of her tunic.
“Thanks.” I took the mug gratefully and cupped it within my stiff hands, savoring the heat and the bright, herbal smell as I sat next to her.
Liliane watched me as if she could read every thought passing through me. Her touch felt as gentle as a lemon balm tonic as she tethered her hand atop mine. “Willa and I have a busy afternoon. Preparations for the Winter Solstice have begun, and I’m afraid I’ll be unavailable to start your training until tomorrow.”
“Sounds good,” I murmured, slightly disappointed that we couldn’t start today. My mind kept returning to the previous night in the cemetery with a mix of awe and fear. “It was incredible to see your Coven work together so efficiently. Watching the spirits choose to enter the Beyond so peacefully made me see the beauty in spirit magick when I always thought of it as… drearier.”
Willa snorted, giving Liliane a loving look. “I used to envy Liliane for her spirit gifts so much I forced her into the graveyards each night, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve also learned the delicate balance spirit witches must wield. It’s a tricky business.”
“You could say that again,” I muttered, remembering the night of the masquerade.
Liliane drained her mug in the sink. “Give it time, Jade. I know Rebecca has deemed your mishap with the spirits a few nights ago as a punishable offense, but it’s only natural to make mistakes as you’re learning this new magick. Your gifts have always been immense, despite your young age. Give yourself some grace.”
Her words of comfort did little to soothe the weariness that hung over me like a dark cloud. I cleared my throat. “I appreciate you taking time away from your duties to help me.”
Drying her hands with a dish towel, Liliane collapsed onto a barstool with a small smile at Willa. “Salem is delightful in the winter months. On the Winter Solstice, we all come together on the beach and send out our sacrifice to the Goddess before spending the evening frolicking in the forest and strolling through town. The mortals are right Pagans if they really think about it.”
“Sounds magical,” I said, and I meant it.
“Then it’s settled. I hope this next month can be not only a learning experience for you, but a break from the pressure I know my sister has thrust on your shoulders. You’re far too young to bear the burden of an entire coven on your shoulders, let alone the responsibility of your sisters.”
She returned her attention to Willa, allowing me the space to process her words without judgement. I found it difficult to imagine a life other than the one Grandmother had prepared me for, but I longed for it just the same.
“Jade,” Tabitha spoke from behind me, appearing as silent as a ghost and making me jump. “There’s something I wanted to talk with you about, if that’s alright.”
We faced off in a staring match as my newest set of problems came rearing back.
“Tabitha!” Willa’s face beamed with genuine excitement before she stood and gathered her oversized bag and parka. “We should hurry into town before the tourist crowds get too busy. We’ll want some privacy for the spell and more rowan bark, which we’ll need to forage.”
“Sounds great. Just give me five minutes alone with Jade.” She accepted a mug of tea from Liliane with a warm smile before pulling on my arm to force me out of the chair. “Come on. Let’s go walk down to the water.”
Harder than necessary, she pushed me out onto the patio, my shoes slipping on the misted surface.
“Chill, Tabitha.” I yanked away from her iron grip and stepped onto the sand, putting distance between us.
We walked towards a tree branch that fell in the last storm, its bark bleached away under the sun. I sat on the smooth wood, lifting my gaze to the cloudy sky above before narrowing my eyes on the witch pacing towards the frothy water line.
“If this is about last night—”