Page 56 of Blood Enchanted
She shivered, wrapping her arms around her body. I had noticed earlier her lack of winter wear, belying the impulsiveness of her visit.
“You’re cold,” I said inanely. When she lifted a haughty brow, I ran a hand through my hair in an uncharacteristically nervous gesture. “We’re almost there, regardless.”
Her answering smile was luminous. “I don’t mind this weather. And I find the woods to be very peaceful, a pleasant change to the hustle and grime of Salem and New Orleans.”
Quiet as the night around us, I guided her to the small clearing Henry built the previous winter. Interest gleamed in her emerald eyes when we reached our destination, a squeal of excitement escaping as the steaming pool came into view.
She beamed. “Is that what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s a cedar hot tub under the stars, then yes, it is.” My lips curled into a slow, pleased smile at her cheerful reaction.
With nearly the speed of a vampire, she climbed the ladder to the wooden deck and peeled off her boots and socks. She dipped her toes into the steaming clear blue water and groaned with delight.
“It’s the perfect temperature,” she said with a glance back at me. “If only Henry had thought to provide swimsuits.”
I threw her a salacious wink. “I don’t believe Henry or his guests have much use of swim trunks.”
Wasting no time, I joined her on the deck and lifted the sweater above my head, leaving my bare chest gleaming in the moonlight. From my periphery, I caught her avid stare as I slowly unzipped my trousers and lowered them to the floor. “Fancy a bit of skinny-dipping, darling?”
Her face flushed with excitement when I stepped out of my boots and removed the last piece of fabric covering me. She gulped, finally tearing her eyes away from the lines of my body to watch the tree line.
“Um,” she squeaked, looking like a frightened rabbit about to run. “I-I’m not sure.”
I lowered myself into the water, groaning low at the warmth heating my cool body. Making a show of luxuriating in the steaming pool, I lifted my hands above my head and relaxed into the slated bench along the edge. “Your loss, darling.”
She paced the deck for a moment, seeming to argue with herself internally, before she finally threw her arms in the air with a sound of exasperation. “Fine! But only because I know you’ll never let me live this down if I refuse. For the record, I am not an ornery grandmotherallthe time.”
A boisterous laugh fell from my lips, echoing in the small clearing. The sound died in my throat as I watched Jade quickly strip away her layers, far too quick and efficient for my liking.
She hovered near the edge of the pool in a sheer white lace set with delicate pink bows—another acquisition from our night at the lingerie shop.
Her gaze lifted to mine, and the flare of lust within them mirrored my own.
With a soft inhale, she reached behind her and unclasped the bra, letting it fall to the floor before she dragged the wisp of lace down her thighs to join our growing pile of discarded clothing.
Hungrily, I followed the shape of her graceful body as she descended into the steaming water, a contented sigh falling from her lips. Avoiding my presence opposite her, she stared up at the stars with a dreamy look, her body floating near the surface, revealing rosy nipples and pale skin.
“I’ve never seen a sky so clear. Is it always like this?” she asked dreamily.
My eyes left her for only a moment to watch the glittering moon and stars above me. I shrugged, returning my attention to what truly captivated my interest. “I suppose so. It’s been decades since I’ve been here. Nothing compares to the night sky in Slovenia.”
She finally allowed her vision to brush over me.
“On particularly ugly nights, I would sneak out of the Vasyliev holdings to the thermal springs that surrounded our property. Gazing at the stars helped when I felt desperate to leave behind my father’s imposing shadow. Now, I’ve accustomed myself to merely forcing my way through the darkness and taking what pleases me, no matter the consequences.”
“That’s pretty sad,” she murmured.
Despite the all-encompassing self-hatred that often swallowed me, my fingers itched to smooth her frown away.
“I’ve grown used to my lot in life.” I grinned, my voice too-bright as I swam to her side of the pool. “I can’t complain. I’ve lived with wealth, never having to worry a day in my life beyond my own troubles and that of my family’s expectations.”
Her frown deepened. “ThatI can understand, I suppose.”
My curiosity piqued once more, and I sidled closer until our thighs pressed together.
“You wanted to know why I abandoned my Coven and joined your Court?” Her hands clenched at her sides beneath the water. “It’s because my grandmother told me the truth and I couldn’t accept it. It has been my duty to take care of my sisters my entire life, but after our parents died, that responsibility became even more critical. And I failed.”
My hand brushed back the dark strands sticking to her cheek with a frown. “How did you fail?”