Page 72 of Blood Enchanted
Slanting her one of my mischievous looks that hid my true feelings, I said, “Because, darling, you’re too much of a distraction. If you show up on my arm, Trystan will immediately know something is amiss, and we’ll never reach the staff. We need to take him by surprise, which means using my charm to create an exuberant display of buffoonery. He expects the Prince of Pleasure, and that’s what he’ll get.”
“What about your exile?” she fretted, biting her lips.
I wanted to soothe the sting with my own lips but exhaled sharply through my nostrils instead, returning my gaze to the windshield. “My father broke my exile,” I revealed quietly, hating the resulting silence from the passenger seat.
“Oh. That’s good, then?” Her face tightened with dismay, surprised that I kept such a huge revelation from her.
In truth, I hadn’t wanted to share anything regarding my father out of fear she would somehow find herself further in his coil. But now, as I watched the hurt etched across her lovely face in the glass reflection, I realized my mistake.
She shook her head, sending a fresh wave of her floral scent towards me, as she moved past our awkward moment with a fixed smile. “And if one of his guards finds me searching his rooms? Or he discovers your deceit? This plan is reckless.”
“If a vampire discovers you, despite your undetection charm, you’ll take them out, like you’ve trained your entire life to do.” Violence glittered in my eyes. “It won’t come to that, though. I will ensure the guards have far too much to handle with my antics to worry about their usual routines.”
Distractedly, her hand brushed across her chest as another sort of fear flitted over her expression before she hid it. “What sort of display? Do you plan to start an orgy?”
“Nothing so gauche as that,” I tsked. “I’ll merely rile up Trystan and his guards with my clever wit and choose his favorite females to escort away from the gathering. At that point, I’ll find you and sneak the staff out of the Court unnoticed.”
She hummed noncommittally, but her scent soured, betraying her emotions.
My female was spooked, and now she sought to reforge her barriers to protect her heart.
My hand reached to brush a chocolate curl behind her ear. “Have I mentioned you look absolutely lovely tonight?”
Her face heated, and she self-consciously smoothed the wisp of ebony silk down her legs. When she moved the fabric just so, I could see the impressions of lace and bows that hinted at her delicate lingerie beneath.
A growl stuck in my throat.
Her emerald eyes flashed to mine with surprise before she turned her face towards the window. “It’s utterly ridiculous for a stealth mission, but thank you. I suppose if I am discovered, it will be easier to explain my presence if I at least look the part.”
“Precisely. Though, it won’t come to that,” I assured her again as I parked on the empty road outside of Trystan's manor house. “Are you wearing the amulet?”
She nodded as she stared up at the red brick colonial mansion that loomed over the stretch of land my father secured centuries ago. It looked exactly as it had then, lush and elegant, only now Trystan had added a flair of his French roots with modern touches. The sharp points of the roof curved like the villainous arch of a killer, much like the vampire within.
Jade shivered as she stepped out onto the paved path that led to the estate. “If I feel an implosion of magick coming on, I’ll take it off, but I figure we can’t afford to make any mistakes. I need every ounce of power I can get to find the staff in this monstrosity.”
“Exactly my thoughts, as well,” I said with only a sliver of my worry bleeding through my voice.
When Jade continued to walk closer to the manor house, I halted her with a touch, and my lips brushed her cheek, dipping to the sensitive skin at the base of her neck. She tensed but edged closer.
“Please forgive me,” I whispered, my voice catching. “Whatever you see or hear tonight, know that it isn’t real.”
She didn’t respond, only crept further down the darkened path that led to the rear of the house.
Thankfully, Luca’s intel was accurate. I hoisted her up to the opened first-floor window in the servants’ quarters, abandoned until after the party. “You okay from here?”
Flames flickered over her face from the sconce adorning the wall beside her. There wasn’t fear in her eyes, only determination. “Upstairs is Trystan’s quarters. I’ll search each room for any trace of dark magick, then work my way down to the weapons room.”
I shook my head sharply. “Wait in his bedchambers. I’ll find you, and we can tackle the remaining floors together.”
She rolled her eyes before muttering her spell. Instantly, she disappeared from view, with only the vaguest trace of her scent remaining. “I’ve got this covered, vamp. Don’t take too long, or I’ll search the rest of the house without you.”
When I sensed she was gone, my body tensed as if to follow her into the darkness, but I had a role to play. Quickly, I retraced my steps back to the front door and forced the calm, careless air I usually wore amongst my peers. It was more difficult than usual to adorn my mask.
Ignoring the ostentatious serpent knocker with my family’s crest, I barged through the door, smirking at the vampires’ frozen stares.
“I heard there was a party,” I drawled, enjoying the flash of terror in their eyes. “I assume your master is playing the part of a dutiful lord in his entertainment room?”
The bravest of the trio stepped forward with glittery crimson eyes. “Lord Trystan was not aware you were visiting from Louisiana, my prince. I will announce your presence and then call you in.”