Page 9 of Blood Enchanted
“No, you only pray to them for your power.” Killian’s expression grew smug as he lifted the pint glass to his lips, the other wrapping more firmly around Ember’s waist.
Grandmother sniffed with disdain before refocusing her ire on me.
I hadn’t seen her in person since Samhain weeks ago, and even then, we had barely made eye contact and forced pleasantries before I fled back home, the memories from the prior year too painful.
As I took in her lily of the valley perfume and the cloying scent of amaretto on her breath, I tumbled back to the moment that had shattered our relationship to dust.
“How could you allow such a thing to happen under your parents’ roof? I begged and pleaded with you girls to come live at the estate where it was safest, but no. You and Ember fought tooth and nail to stay in that house, all alone and unprotected.”
“It wasn’t like that! We needed stability. Moving away from our family home would have only made things worse,” I argued, dashing away the hottears that traitorously dropped onto my cheeks.
“Your responsibility is to your family and your Coven, and you failed them both. Ember went to Hell, Jade! We’re lucky she’s alive and not utterly traumatized by the tortures Satan no doubt planned.”
I knew this, but even still I bit out, “I did the best I could.”
“It wasn’t enough!” She shook her head, tilting her eyes down at me with an unwavering lack of sympathy. “How can I give you my mantle, entrust the Coven’s safety with you as High Priestess, if I cannot even trust you to keep your younger sister in line?”
“Fuck you,” I bit out, shaking with equal measures rage and disgust. With both her and myself. “And fuck your precious High Priestess seat. Give it to Tabitha, give it to anyone else. I'm done with you and this Coven.”
I had barely made it to the garden maze to be sick, spewing up my tea and coffee cake into the roses planted in my mother’s honor at the fresh guilt and torment from my many failures. The worst part was that Grandmother was right; I had a duty to protect my sisters, and if I couldn’t manage that, I didn’t deserve to remain with the hundreds of witches who would rely on me in the future.
My stomach turned, and I lifted my hand to my mask, nervously toying with the feathers. Suddenly, the music and crowd of creatures became almost overbearing.
“So, crazy party tonight, am I right?” Ember filled the awkward silence, but I could see the bottled-up fear in her eyes as she watched me silently unravel.
Grandmother’s lips pursed, and she silenced Ember with a hand to her wrist. “I need you at the estate tomorrow. We’ll have tea before we resume your training. In fact, I’ve spoken with the High Priestess of Salem, and she thought it may do you good to come learn more about your spirit magick with her for a spell.”
I nearly rolled my eyes at the formal term, High Priestess. As if she had forgotten Aunt Liliane was her sister.
“Oh! Um, sure? I suppose we could discuss that.” Ember’s panicked eyes flashed with flames before she extinguished it, while Killian’s gaze hardened.
“Lovely, we’ll talk more tomorrow. Goodnight, dear. Don’t stay out too late.” She turned on her heel without another glance my way.
I deflated, visibly shaken by the encounter.
“She knows we planned to spend some time in the Realm of Pride with Taliah, right?” Killian shook his head with annoyance. “Rebecca can be as subtle as a Hell Hound when she’s attempting to thwart our plans.”
“I’ll talk to her,” Ember promised Killian with a false smile. Turning to me, she wrapped her hands around my gloved arms and pulled me closer into a half-hug. “I’ll come home tonight if you’d like. We can stay up watching action movies and eating leftovers until we peel ourselves out of bed tomorrow morning. She really can be such a bitch sometimes.”
Ember meant it. Even though she looked forward to these parties every year, she would drop everything to come to my side in my hour of need.
With a shake of my head, I pulled away from her. “No, I’ll be fine. Honestly, I’m exhausted and will probably pass out before we even make it through one movie. Go have fun and make sure that big, scary demon of yours keeps you safe tonight.”
“He’s the one who’ll need rescuing by the time I’m through with him.” She winked.
My lips twisted in disgust. “And on that note, goodnight.”
Ember’s laughter faded as I pushed through the over-stuffed room of creatures. An orchestra played jazz music that vibrated in my veins while I passed tables filled with crystal fountains of sickly, garnet blood-wine and other delicacies displayed like Parisian patisserie counters—ostentatious and impressive.
Once a gap appeared, I hurried towards it, but my relief was short-lived. Near the manor’s exit, The Coven loitered with disdainful looks around the debauchery. The costumes of the witches and warlocks of my Coven were less daring and more conventional than the vampires, but that didn’t make them any less frightening.
Near the staircase that led to Alexei’s personal quarters, I paused, debating how awkward it would be to brush past my fellow witches with no greetings. Before I could decide, a shudder wriggled over me as an icy warning tingled down my neck.
“And where do you think you’re going, darling?”
Alexei’s voice, purred into my ear, made goosebumps traitorously spread across my skin. His spicy rosewood scent and arresting presence was as ingrained in my psyche as my unwanted desire for him.
Surreptitiously, my eyes glossed over his attire, and I felt my stomach tightening in response to what I saw. Alexei could wear a suit like no other. The inky swath of his crisp buttoned shirt paired with his tailored trousers and jacket emphasized his overwhelming frame. Finely made, rich Italian leather shoes that matched his raven mask came next, a mask that barely concealed his deep, sultry eyes.