Page 3 of Shield of Love
“No, they’d be surprised if they did.” I want to ask, but now is not the time.
“I’m a pharm tech at the hospital and my seniority means I’ve accrued weeks of paid time off. Which I’ve been unable to take as my coworkers have decided coming to work isn’t important, leaving me to cover their shifts. Thankfully, the most recent hire has passed their probationary period and has shown they can be counted on. Meaning, when I need to disappear for a while, I’m finally able to take it.” I have her do that, asking for the week starting Monday, which gives us a couple extra days as it’s Friday evening. She receives an approval within minutes, demanding she have a good time, which makes her laugh. “Bosses gotta boss,” she says with an affectionate shrug, telling me she has a good relationship with that person. “All set.”
Extending my hand once more, I say, “Your phone, Lillian.” I wait for her to balk, to plead to hold onto it, but neither happens. Instead, she powers it off and gives it to me. “Is there anything on here you need?” She shakes her head and I set it on her dining room table. “The likelihood it’s being traced is small, but I don’t want to take any unnecessary chances.”
“Can you tell me more of what’s going on?” The fact she’s just now bringing that up has me admiring her restraint. Or maybe it’s that she’s finally getting her bearings and has processed what’s happening.
“Once we’re on the road, I’ll share what I can.” Lillian opens her mouth, promptly closes it, then nods. “My mom would ream me up one side and down the other for this, but I need you to carry your own things to the car.”
“Your captain told me, and I won’t tell her.” She clasps her hand over her mouth. “Not that I’m implying I’ll ever meet her, or that you’d want me to. I’m shutting up now.” Torture is just that because there is no enjoyment to be had, yet I’m experiencing both in this woman’s presence.
“Are you ready?”
“Stove is off,” she winks, “neighbor told, work taken care of, bags stuffed, and no pets, unfortunately, to miss me.”
I’d buy her every pet she wanted. If it was my right to.
Damn, I wish it was.
“Sounds like you’re covered.”
“What about mail? I don’t want Mrs. Fredrickson coming over here.” Withdrawing my cell from my pocket, I unlock it and the last screen pops up. It’s the online form to halt her mail.
“I did the basic information, but left the rest for you. They’ll hold it effective immediately until the end date listed.” I don’t want to tell her that may have to be extended if our plan doesn’t go the way we hope. Lillian fills in the blanks as well as the electronic signature, then returns it to me. Trusting that she’s taking this seriously, her willingness to have me proof the text beforehand only furthering that belief, I select send and put my phone back to sleep.
Indicating for her to grab her bags, I stand in front of her and serve as a shield as we step outside. I cover her while she locks the door and drops her keys in her purse, then remain alert as she walks behind me, my body facing the street.
Keeping her from view as much as possible, hating that I can’t do so entirely, despite my size and bulk, I remain alert as she puts her suitcase and bag in the back, staying close to me while doing so. I don’t leave her until she’s fully ensconced in the vehicle, door shut and seat belt on. With my eyes scanning the street, I walk backwards to the driver door and get behind the wheel.
Removing my mobile, I call Willis and he informs me, “The vehicle is clean.” He’d been camped across from the house next to Lillian’s, secretly monitoring my car to ensure it wasn’t tampered with. “Nobody has come this way since you went in.”
“Heading to the safe house. Watch my six.”
“And a toned six it is,” he teases. I snicker, knowing he’s messing with me to ease the tension he can no doubt hear in my voice. The plan is for him to follow us to our destination, then he’ll circle around, checking for tails, before joining us. “See you soon.”
I pass Willis, receiving a chin lift in acknowledgement, then we’re off. “We’re taking the long route.” It’s not information Lillian needs, yet I want to give her what I can.
“We’re being followed.”
“That’s Willis. You’ll meet him later.”
“Okay. Can we talk now?”
Not needing clarification, I begin explaining what led us to her. “In the last two weeks, three women have been killed in the same manner. Each were named Lillian Miller.”
Proving how quick she is, she pieces that together with her being next to me. “You’re scooping up all of us.” I confirm her theory, though it’s clearly unnecessary.
When she giggles, only to abruptly stop before finishing it, I glance at her, wondering what she could possibly find funny about this. Being a cop, I know how certain fields use humor to deflect emotions, to feel somewhat normal, so perhaps that’s what she’s doing. I should cut her some slack. However, “What?”
“Earlier, when you greeted me with ‘Lillian Miller, I’m going to need you to come with me,’ I wanted to add, ‘if you want to live,’ like you’re the Terminator. And now that I know people who share my name are being murdered?” She wraps her arms around her waist and squeezes. “It’s very Sarah Connor-y. I’ve always admired her badassness, curious as to how I’d react in her situation. I’m finding that all I want to do is hide.”
“Which is the correct reaction. The safest.” Fully aware we’re taught not to give promises because we may not be able to keep them, regardless of how hard we try, I tell her, “We will find him, Lillian.”
She touches my arm and I feel it through my sleeve, making me jealous of the freaking material. “I know you can’t tell me everything, but what you can would be appreciated. I hate being lied to.”
“Following strict orders of silence isn’t the same as lying.”