Page 106 of Where We Started
Silas poured the contents of my purse on the ground, adding to the reasons why I wanted to murder him.
“Here it is.”
He plucked it up and walked to the front door.
“How did his little promise go?” Silas asked my dad, giving me a mocking smile.
“Shoot, they were so young, I think if it unlocks the front door, then that means this is the house he wanted for them to live in when they were ready to settle down.”
They laughed, and when Silas locked himself out on the front porch then used the key to open the door, they both teased with a sigh.
I couldn’t breathe.
“So fucking sweet, and how fitting he’ll burn alive in the home he had built for you.”
No, it wouldn’t end like this. It couldn’t. We didn’t get this far to have it end like this.
“Dad, why are you doing this?” Tears burned my nose, clouding my vision.
I heard him laugh, and while Silas and Dirk joked to one another, he whispered in my ear, “just trust me, honey.”
Louder, he explained.
“That day I made a deal for you, I also made a deal for Sasha. If I back out on this now, I lose her. Dirk will kill all three of you. This is war, honey, and sometimes there’s hard choices in war so people stay alive.”
My gaze moved to Silas, and my mind reeled as I watched him begin to pull pieces together as well.
“Where’s Sasha now?” I asked, keeping my gaze on her son.
My gut told me he needed to know, and maybe that was why he was here. If my dad was playing an angle, perhaps Silas was too. It gave me a modicum of hope. Maybe that hit wasn’t as bad as I imagined. Or maybe I was already delusional, and this was just me grasping at straws.
“My favorite place, blossom.” Dirk drew closer to me, casually caressing my face.
I wrestled with my dad’s hold on me. “The beef shack?”
Not even a real place, but Dirk laughed the same.
“No, baby. It’s your new place of employment. Strip club in Pyle called Strings. Sasha works the pole there when I tell her to. I have someone making sure she doesn’t leave until we get this sorted out. Don’t be jealous. She hasn’t warmed my bed in a long time. I don’t like sharing, which is why Wesley here is going to have to die. I can’t run the risk that you’ll go back to him.”
I had to keep them here and talking and give Wes time to wake up. Because he had to wake up. He had to. There was so much I still had to say to him, and still so much I had to do. I couldn’t lose him.
My dad finally released me, and I dove for Wes on the floor, but Dirk grabbed my wrist and roughly pulled me away.
“The terms, Dirk. Two years. You can’t hurt her, and she doesn’t work the pole if she doesn’t want to. She’s an ink slinger; let her work at one of your tattoo shops.”
Dirk let out a sigh, inspecting me from head to toe.
“How long ago you fuck him? I can’t risk you being pregnant.”
“We’ve been fucking like bunnies since I came back, barely stopped to drive up here.” I spat at his feet, resulting in a slap to my cheek.
“Hey!” my dad yelled, pulling me back from Dirk, but the leader pulled a gun out, holding it to my dad’s face.
“I want her for ten years, and if she is pregnant, she gets rid of it. No argument.”
My dad faltered with his hands up, and my chest felt like a fire had been lit inside it. I was hyperventilating. My dad couldn’t make a trade. I didn’t belong to him to trade.
Dirk tilted his head, and with his firearm swaying to the side as if he were inspecting the house, he said, “Fires take too long. Why don’t I just put a bullet—”