Page 116 of Where We Started
He had no idea that included Silas, too.
“Look, I need to know what you plan to do with the apartment? It’s yours to use as needed once you’re president, and you know I won’t give a fuck if you use it now or in six months. I also know you already have your own place, but Laura is driving me insane, and I need her to move out.”
Glancing off to the side quickly, he tossed his empty bottle in the glass recycle bucket.
“Seems like you made up your mind already.”
“You’re never there… I was thinking if you could talk to her and see if it would bother her if you did need to crash there, that way you’d have somewhat of a roommate situation.”
Killian laughed, with a shake of his head.
“You think that woman wants to be my roommate?”
Shifting on my feet, I crossed my arms, automatically sliding into president role. Something I needed to learn to stop doing.
“Frankly, I don’t care. You’re both adults, if she’s uncomfortable then she can find an apartment in town, but what I need is for there to be a gap in time where she’s not in my house every day. Callie told her to cuddle with her while they watched Twilight the other day.”
Killian shrugged. “So?”
“They were in our fucking bed. I ended up sleeping with Max on the couch. I want to be able to fuck my fiancée in our bed when I want. Or on the kitchen counter, or the table. I had big plans for this house when we moved in.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Killian let out a heavy sigh. “Fuck, Wes. I told you not to talk to me about fucking Callie. She is very seriously like my little sister, you asshole.”
“Then consider this your motivation speech to play nice and stay scarce so Laura can have the rental to herself.”
With a wave of his hand, he gave in while walking toward the exit.
“Fine, but if I have to crash there, I’m not worrying about offending her. If I take a sweetbutt back there, and we fuck, I don’t want to hear any shit from you or her. Or Callie!”
I’d let him think whatever he wanted to as long as it meant Laura was moving out.
Feeling happier about finally having the house and my fiancée to myself, I walked back inside and when I saw Silas leaning against the living room wall, dodging the sun like a fucking vampire, I didn’t even make a snide comment or try to hit him. Callie had called a truce with the moody fucker, but he was still on my shit list.
It made me uneasy that he knew where we lived, and one day when Callie got pregnant and we started having kids, he’d know where my children lived. I had to play nice, until I moved at least, and he had no way to get to us. Didn’t mean I hadn’t reinforced the fuck out of our property.
“Yay, family dinner,” Killian said under his breath, passing Silas with a glare.
Seems it wasn’t just my shit list that Silas had landed on.
* * *
It was dark as Callie and I walked down the stone path to our backyard. The night sky stretched above us, looking like a piece of velvet that’d been poked too many times with a needle, revealing white stars. I’d placed a string of lights to illuminate the path from the house to the small fire pit with Adirondack chairs, then another hung from the pit to the large sycamore off to the side of the yard.
“Today was fun.” Callie sighed happily while leaning into my shoulder.
I grabbed her hand to keep her steady and smiled.
“Even though Laura left?”
“We were both ready for that.” She laughed, but because she was slightly tipsy, a cute snort followed up the tail end.
“But you seemed so happy to have her here.”
Rounding the fire pit, she was about to settle into one of the chairs when I pressed into the small of her back to continue down the path.
“Of course I was happy, but two weeks is a long time and I wanted to enjoy our new house without roommates.”
“Fuck, I’m glad to hear you say that.”