Page 119 of Where We Started
For three months, I lived in a bubble with the man I loved, the club I finally warmed to, and my best friend, who was integrating with the club as best as she possibly could. She worked as Red’s new assistant, which I wasn’t even sure was a thing, but the books needed a new set of eyes, and Laura had a good sense for numbers.
She’d been living in the apartment Wes and I vacated, which as far as I knew was going well. She’d even befriended Natty, which was nice for me because it meant more girls' nights, which meant I probably should include her in the party plans. I grabbed my phone to jot down a note when all the sudden the bell rang over the front door, making my head pop up.
I heard the receptionist speaking to someone, and then Wesley’s booming voice was cutting in. I set my things inside my purse and made my way out into the front, stopping when I saw a familiar man.
I’d seen his picture somewhere…
He was thin framed, wearing a button-down shirt and khakis, carrying a recorder and tablet.
“Mr. Ryan, I received your email. Thank you for agreeing to meet me in person, one on one. As I said a few months ago, a public barbeque wouldn’t have felt safe to me,” the man said, gripping the shoulder strap to his leather bag.
Wes smirked, ignoring me as I walked up. He did it because he wouldn’t reveal his weakness, and I knew that but still stuck around, being nosey.
“You’re the blogger, right? The one posting all the ballot measure stuff about the clubs?”
It finally clicked in my head. That’s why he was familiar to me, his picture had been in one of the Instagram images. Not on his profile, but the secondary one I found that invaded clubs’ personal lives and privacy.
The blogger swallowed, making his Adam’s apple bob. “Yes.”
Wes stepped forward and stuck out his hand. “Wesley Ryan. Owner of Dead Roses and President of The Stone Riders Motorcycle Club.”
The man nervously slid his hand into my husbands. “Jeff Hynes.”
“Great, Jeff. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this group you’ve got going on.”
Jeff narrowed his focus on me for some reason, maybe because I was just standing there doing nothing.
“I’m not sure what we’d have to discuss, Mr. Ryan. You stand for everything I’m fighting against. I’m pushing to get your clubs shut down, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. I know you think you’re so strong, but the cops and the mayor are on our side. They’re sick of the violence too. There was a random shooting here just a few months ago, and it was completely covered up. There are internal investigations that are starting, and we’re not going to stop making noise until they hear us. We’re done having you here in Rose Ridge.”
Whoa. The guy was brave, I’d give him that.
I flicked my gaze up to catch Wesley’s golden stare and couldn’t help but smile. He was so sure of himself, this boy who once went to church camp and now controlled one of the most powerful clubs in Virginia. I never thought I’d be proud of him in this role, but I was.
Really fucking proud.
“Well I won’t stop you from pushing your agenda, but you should know we won’t stop pushing ours either.”
Jeff glanced at me again, making me feel slightly uncomfortable.
“Is that a threat?”
Wes laughed, tipping his head back.
“No, little man, you’ll know when I threaten you. For example, look one more time at my wife, and I’m going to shove that pen through one of your eye sockets.”
Jeff’s face flushed red, but I noticed his eyes didn’t budge from directly in front of Wesley now.
Adjusting his strap once more, he inclined his head. “Rumor has it you’re stepping down as president. You don’t scare me. Without the club, you’re not as intimidating as you think you are.”
Wesley’s gaze fell to the floor, but that smile on his face only increased in size.
“You know what, Jeff, you’re right. I am stepping down soon, but guess what? You think I’m intimidating? You won’t like the wolf who’s coming after me.”
Jeff scoffed.
“That supposed to scare me, or something? Let me guess, he’s bigger and more terrifying than you?”
Wes lifted his head, gesturing toward the street through the glass window.