Page 23 of Where We Started
This time I moved first.
People parted, and Wes stood staring, as if I’d grown horns, but the man next to him took a long step forward and then scooped me up.
“How the fuck have you been, Little Fox?”
Tears finally broke through and were trailing happily down my face. I heard Wes mutter a curse next to us, but I didn’t care. He could fuck all the way off.
“I’ve been good.”
He set me down and continued to smile at me.
“You look good. You miss me?”
His eyes quickly flitted behind me to Laura, who was still standing with her arms crossed and her lips thin. She was watching our interaction with both wariness and fascination.
“I’m always missing you, Killian.”
“You look every inch the club princess you were born to be. You still designing tattoos?”
I put my hand on his shoulder to steady myself. The high-heeled boots I was wearing weren’t the most stable. I didn’t miss the way Wesley’s face swept briskly to the left to catch Kilian’s expression. He seemed surprised to hear that Killian and I had somewhat kept in touch. He was one of the only assholes here who had social media.
“She inks them now, too,” Laura said, lifting her shirt, brazenly showing off the massive mermaid tail I had inked into her rib cage. She looked like she had scales.
“Oh shit!” Killian said, moving past me to Laura. He skimmed a finger down her side as he inspected the ink.
“This is fucking good, Little Fox. Look at you.” He turned his head, a big smile in place. Pride engulfed my entire heart, soothing out old hurts and the tiny piece inside that craved approval from my dad. He wasn’t here, but Killian was like my brother, and the next best thing.
“Jesus Christ. This isn’t a fucking reunion,” Wes barked as he watched Killian smirk.
I didn’t miss how his eyes moved right where Killian’s arm slid around my waist.
He was staring at him like he’d just touched something of his.
“Look, we’ll get out of everyone’s hair just as soon as Wes lifts the lodging ban on us. We were blacklisted from every establishment in town.”
Wes glared, showing his teeth.
“Like I said, find a different town.”
I tilted my head, feeling a fight coming on. “I don’t want to. I want to stay inthistown.”
Red suddenly stepped between us.
“This is nonsense. Callie, honey, you can have your dad’s old cabin. It’s on the back end of the property. It’s been recently—”
“She can’t stay on the property,” Wes declared flatly, interrupting Red. He acted as though I was an unwanted stray and not the rightful heir to this clubhouse. That rage in my chest roared with a silent scream, forcing me to step closer to my ex.
“Need I remind you that this property is legally mine, and I can technically have any room or space that I want?”
Wes glowered. A muscle jumped along his firm, square jawline, and I hated that I realized I’d never seen him look so angry so many instances in a row. He used to be pure sunshine; now he was all storm clouds.
“They can stay with me,” Killian offered with a wide smile.
Wes darted his eyes to the man right at the same time as I did. I had no clue where he lived, but it had to be better than some rundown cabin on the edge of the property. I was exhausted, and all I wanted was a bed to collapse into.
“Do you have space for us?”
Killian eyed me, lingering on Laura then took in Max.