Page 14 of Easy
She leaned back against the wall and folded her arms over her chest, glaring at him. “Just give me a weapon, and I’ll show you how serious I am.”
“Whoa.” Easy held up his hand and depressed his comm. “LT. Uh, we have an issue here.”
“What issue?” Tex’s clipped tone was going to get even more clipped. The longer they argued with this hostage, the faster their window of opportunity was closing.
“The hostage refuses to leave without her Jimmy Choos.”
“What the fucking hell does Jimmy or his shoes have to do with this situation?” There was so much confusion in his CO’s voice, it would almost be comical if the situation wasn’t so dire. “Is there another American hostage there?”
“No, sir. Not shoes. Choos.”
“Did you just say shoes again?” His voice turned soft and dangerous. “Are you mocking me, sailor?”
Easy exchanged a pained look with Shark, who huffed out a scoffing laugh. “Uh-no, sir.”
“Oh, for the love of God.” She leaned over and depressed his mic. “Whoever is in charge, I’m not leaving without my expensive, designer, pink crocodile Jimmy Choo high heels.”
“Who was that?” Easy only ever heard that tone come out of his CO’s mouth when he was getting ready to rip someone a new one. It was a tone none of them wanted to hear. Shark stiffened and mouthedthis is a goatfuckto Easy.
Easy just gaped at her. She’d just told off his commanding officer, Lieutenant Michael Penn. The guy in charge of saving her ass. “The hostage, sir. Astraea Devers.”
“Jack,” she bit out. “Just call me Jack.”
Shark swore under his breath, scoffing again. “Unfuckingbelievable.”
“Don’t push me,” she said, trembling now, her glaring eyes filling. Great, now they had to deal with a crying, hysterical woman. “Shark, go check the hallway.”
He turned to her. “You need to be reasonable, Miss Dev—Jack,” he started as Tex went off.
“You tell that woman that she is either going willingly or over your fucking shoulder, gagged and handcuffed, or she can sit in that cell and take her chances.”
In the background, he heard Amanda Morris say, “Lieutenant. You can’t do that. She has rights, and if you have to struggle with rescuing her, it could cause you to lose her and your guys. You could be looking at legal action when we get back, not to mention if Venezuela finds out we’ve been on their soil without their permission. We don’t need that kind of publicity. Be reasonable.”
Tex swore for a full minute, then said, “Where are these shoes…Choos whatever?”
Easy looked at her. “Look, we’re running out of time. Where are these shoes?”
She pushed off the wall, her face dissolving into eagerness. “In the female guard’s locker room. I saw them myself in her locker.”
Easy relayed the information to Tex. After a few moments, he came back on the line. “That’s on the way out, but in a more populated part of the prison. You’ll have to detour there, then backtrack. I don’t like it, but it looks like we have no other choice. Get those shoes and get the fuck out of there.”
Easy heard one of their bribed guards. “What is taking so long? You need to get out of here. They won’t be fooled long about the delay in seeing the embassy guy.”
Easy keyed his radio. “Ask him where the female locker room is.”
He heard another exchange with the guard. “He’ll lead us, but then he said he’s done. He doesn’t want to be caught with us.”
“Easy,” Shark said as he materialized back in the doorway. “Let’s move.”
He nodded. Easy turned to Jack. “I want you to put your hand on my buddy Shark’s shoulder.”
“Shark?” She scrutinized both men, fear flashing in her eyes at the sight of the guard. Then she relaxed.
He nodded to his former prisoner. “Jack.”
“Juan, thank you for helping me.”
“Alas,senorita, I’m doing it for the money.” He smiled.