Page 69 of Easy
But she was fighting him, pushing him away and reaching for the light. Her breath was ragged, her eyes full of emotion that made his heart clutch in his chest. “I need to see you,” she whispered as she pulled at his T-shirt, ripping it off him, fumbling with his shorts, her hands trembling. Unsnapping, unzipping, pushing, and pulling until he was naked in front of her.
She stared at him from head to toe, holding him in her thrall. He didn’t know what set her off—maybe nothing. Maybe all the pent-up fear, impotency, and helplessness from that day were still somehow trapped in her. With trembling fingers, she touched his jaw, her eyes going over every inch of his skin, then up to his eye socket where most of the damage had been.
And to his utter shock, he felt his eyes sting as if he still had some of the emotions from that day locked up in him, too.
She took a shuddering breath, leaned into him, and kissed him there, then to his jaw, one side and then the other, down his neck to his collarbone. Her hand ran up his rib cage to the site of his cracked ribs, playing over each bone like he was her musical instrument, and she knew how to make him hum. She dipped down, kissed him there so gently, the sting in his eyes turned into moisture as he blinked rapidly. She glided her mouth over his ragged scar, her tongue following the once-torn edges. The doctors did their best, but after Tovar and Ramos’s punches ripped out his stitches, all they could do was repair it as best they could.
She straightened to look him in the eyes. “Thank you for what you did for me, for saving me, for finding me and exposing who I was, for teaching me about courage and vulnerability and how being the best was all about being myself. Thank you for risking your beautiful self to save me. Thank you,” she whispered over and over again. It was as if her words were cathartic, releasing all the tension that had built up in her. She softened against him.
He kissed the top of her head, let his lips slide over the silken strands of her hair, and he pulled her closer. Back in Venezuela, he was the man for her, and here in Williston, Florida, he was still the man for her. He would always be the man for her. Anywhere. Anytime.
“Matthew…” She gripped his hair, burrowed deeper, her fingers tightening almost to the point of pain. “Matt. Oh, Easy.” She loosened her hold on his hair, and her arms came up around his neck.
“Yeah, you and me, babe. You’ve got me, no matter where I am, no matter what I’m doing, no fucking matter what, you’ll have me. Always.”
Hoo-yah, that was right and so were her tears. She wasn’t sobbing. She was just crying silently, nearly immobile in his arms now. He felt the wetness on his neck, and it broke his heart and mended it in the same instant. Sometimes his job was hard, just like life could be so fucking hard, sometimes more than they could bear.
And yet it had to be borne, every day, in every way, over and over again until the end, and if a guy was lucky, every now and then he’d end up with a complicated woman in his arms, somebody who could turn him inside out.
“Astraea.” He said her name, grounded her with it, bringing her back to him. He wanted to make love to her, ease the pain of their separation, to remind her there was life, always, the flame of it burning deep inside, to give her pleasure and ease her mind.
He wanted to fuck her so sweet, to make her come apart in his arms, to make her his every damn time, not that she would forget, but because it fulfilled something raw and primal in him. He wanted to come so deep inside her, to claim her.
He wanted to taste her, do her over and over, day after day, year after year.
He opened his mouth on her neck and slid one hand down over the curve of her hip to pull her closer, to bring her up against him. She turned her face into his neck and softly brushed her lips across the skin she’d made wet with tears.
And that was all it took for his own purging of his fear for her safety, her virtue, her life.
He kissed her neck, using his teeth so gently, licking her with his tongue and then sliding his mouth to hers and kissing her deeply, angling his head to get more of her. Handful, by handful, he dragged her skirt up over her hips, giving himself the access he needed. When he had the skirt up around her waist, he slid his hand underneath her scrap of silk panties, over the softest skin he’d ever touched, over the perfect curve of her ass.
And he fell in love all over again, with the sweet softness between her legs, with the promise of her body. He kicked off his flip-flops and shorts, moving down her body, finding and licking the hot, sweet center of her desire, teasing her as she ground her hips against him and tunneled her fingers through his hair.
She spread her legs wider, and he slipped his fingers up inside her. She was so soft, so wet, so hot, a gift to his senses, turning him on, getting him hotter, harder. He swept her with his tongue, loving the taste of her, the little catches in her breath, and the way she was holding onto him, tighter and tighter.
“Go, babe. Give it to me.” He wanted it so badly, to make her come undone, slow and easy, to make her feel so good. He wanted her to know he was the man for her, the one she needed, the one who would go all in, all the time.
Her sighs grew rougher, more guttural, and he kept on, on and on, endlessly pleasuring her with his fingers sliding in and out of her, teasing her with his tongue, over and over again, until her soft cries became a moan, until she pressed herself against his mouth and held herself there, until he felt the convulsions of her release rippling through her.
When she collapsed against the wall, he rose to his feet and took her mouth with his. Fitting himself to her, he pushed up inside. She rolled over him like a tight, silken wrecking ball.
Her mouth was soft and wet, sucking on him, sucking on his tongue, then deepening the kiss. She pulled her T-shirt over her head, unsnapped the sexy sheer champagne lace covering her breasts. They spilled out and he took his fill of them as he continued to fill her, again and again, getting lost in her, mindlessly, so easily, following the heated warmth of her skin into a pleasure so deep he would still feel it in his dick and balls long after he climaxed.
Lifting her leg around his waist, giving him deeper access as he thrust into her and she accepted him all the way, moving her hips with his, until the heat and the rhythm and the seductive softness of her body took him straight down to the deep end where SEALs ruled.
A slender beauty undulating in the dark. He’d never forget seeing her like this, her ripe body ribboned with passion. He looked down and watched her move over him, taking him inside her with abandon, wondering why it felt so amazing with her, then didn’t give a damn. He kissed her, gripping her hips, and pulled her harder and harder. She cradled his face, her gaze locked on him as she came, pulsing with him, shuddering and flexing as the eruption ripped through her like a creature of madness and hunger.
He groaned, his kiss all-devouring, his hips uncontrollable in a wild ride till he caught up with her—and burned. Easy’s mind went blank, sensations hammering him, and fucked her through the sensations, cupping her behind and trembling for long delicious minutes. Then he moved, stripping the skirt and panties off her, lifting her into his arms and body slamming her to the soft mattress.
“Okay, I think you can be Prince Charming out of bed and He-Man in it.”
“Is that so? That’ll work until you need something moved.”
“Oh, you know how to move, Mister Easy Like Sunday Morning.” She cuddled against him. “I have a hard timebreathingEasy, but I know how toget offEasy. It’s as easy as falling off alog, which brings me to that log andThe Big Easy.”
He laughed hard. “Okay, that’s enough idioms.”