Page 71 of Easy
“Lots of zeros.” She nudged his shoulder.
He nudged her shoulder back. “So, what are your plans for all those zeros? We’ve been having so much fun, it kind of slipped my mind that I would be going back to Virginia.” His voice was soft, subdued. “I’m damn well not going alone.”
She nodded. “No, you’re not. I want to be wherever you are, Matt. So, I kind of put all of that in motion a month ago.”
His brows rose and he smiled at her enthusiastic tone. “Details would be good, babe.”
“I bought a ten-acre farm close to some base in Virginia where I think SEALs are stationed.”
He chuckled. “Oh, what are you going to do with all that land, Farmer Brown?”
She leaned against his shoulder, weak with laughter and anticipation. “Grow orchids with Rosa, who’s the main propagator but she’s going to teach me, Maria who’s a whiz with accounting, and Juan who wants to tend to the plants. He and Maria are getting married.”
“No shit. That’s stellar.”
“I know. I feel we brought them together.”
“Yeah, right. It was so romantic with me bleeding and moaning in pain all over her bed.”
“Just goes to show you that love can’t be denied.” She leaned over and kissed him.
She went on to tell him about the homes she’d built and renovated, the greenhouses she’d had constructed along with the gorgeous new barn-like office and retail space, and the beautiful rustic barn she had restored.
“So, what you’re saying is you need a place to stay to get all this up and running.”
“Exactly. Since you live near that base, I thought it would be all right for me to crash there.”
“What am I getting in return?”
“I’ll do your dirty laundry, stinky socks, jocks, and shorts.”
He threw his head back and laughed. “Sounds like a good deal to me.”
The trip up to Virginia along the East Coast via the I-95 corridor went faster than she thought it would. Easy had asked about driving, but she’d won out when she promised she wouldn’t do any bootlegger turns.
When they arrived at his building, she sighed at the beautiful architecture of an old bank that had been renovated into four three-story townhouses. It was close enough to the beach for her to see the water.
“Easy, it’s beautiful.”
“I love it, too. It was going to be torn down, so the guys and I pooled our money and bought it, renovated it and most of us live here. Tex and Bondo have their houses, but Shark, Dagger, and Brawler have places here. Twister and Flash room together closer to the beach in a modern loft.”
She parked the Porsche and Brawler came out of the next-to-last townhouse with Beast. He stopped short. “Fuck, are you in a hot pink Porsche…again?”
“Yeah, Bubbles II, and I’m manly enough to pull it off.”
Brawler chuckled. “Not with that SEAL babe driving. Pull any more bootlegger turns?”
“Ah…no…I promised Easy I wouldn’t.”
“Fucking lightweight. I heard all about it from Shark. He said you were a badass crazy bi—ah—woman.”
SEAL babe?Astra mouthed, turning to look at him.
“Yeah, you kicked ass in Venezuela and had my back just like the brotherhood, like a SEAL would.”
Brawler shrugged. “And you're his woman, obviously. Nuff said.”
Easy grabbed the suitcases, one more than she had before she’d gone to Florida thanks to all the shopping. But stopped, bending down to pet Beast as Brawler filled Easy in on what was going on with the team.