Page 12 of Blitz
“Now you’re talking.”
Bree smiled in amusement. They walked over to the bar together. Bree ordered wine, taking several sips to still her shaking hands.
“So, Blitz is too hot to not take a shot at,” Harley said with a sly smile. “I mean look at him.”
That’s the trouble, she really loved looking at him and she had to agree he was reallyhot.
“It’s been that long, huh?” Harley asked, taking a sip of her apple martini. “I know your pain.”
“How did you—”
“The look on your face, sister.” Harley lifted her glass with a knowing smile. “Amen to that look.”
Bree took another sip of her wine and sighed. “What is it about a man’s forearms?” she asked.
Harley nodded. “Oh, please. It’s just so sexy. It makes a statement. When men roll up their sleeves, they mean business, especially SEALs. Serious business.”
“Maybe,” Bree said with a shiver. “But I think it’s more about how he holds back his strength when he touches a woman.” Just looking at Blitz’s ropey, defined forearms told her he was strong. He’d chucked her out a window like she weighed nothing. She started to tremble again.
“Oh, yeah. That makes sense and is very sexy. Why are you just looking and not touching?”
She glanced over at him, unable to stop herself. She took in his chocolate brown hair that fell over his brow, the chiseled cut of his jaw, and that beautiful mouth. She was good at interrogations because she was adept at reading body language, and she was picking up those subtle nuances he was exhibiting. Frustrated energy, a resignation about him that bolstered her confidence and gave her hope that Geneve wasn’t going to win him over…again.
“He was so supportive at the hospital,” she said absently, remembering how kind and gentle he had been, even when he was suffering the pain from the shrapnel in his neck and shoulder.
It wasn’t the adrenaline. That might have heightened the experience, but it wasn’t the sole source of her distress.
She’d frozen in her tracks and if he hadn’t acted so quickly, she wouldn’t be here right now. She was convinced now that she’d had some distance from the incident that she’d been overwhelmed by Blitz and his tossing her out the window like a sack of potatoes. He’d saved her life. It hit her so hard, she took a big gulp of wine.
He’d explained why she froze, and she was determined to get as skilled as the SEALs were when it came to those types of combat situations. It was clear she didn’t have the same kind of experience as a Navy SEAL or the same intense training, but she would do her utmost best to perform at their high standards. “That last op was brutal. An IED exploded not far from us.”
He turned his head then, as if he’d picked up that she was staring at him. He watched her, his seductive green eyes intense and searching, as if he was trying to figure something out, warring with himself. In that moment, she felt a sudden shift between them, as if the air was burning with an invisible flame and they were keeping it ignited between them. His attention returned to Geneve as she glanced toward Bree. Her mouth tightened.
“Wow. Then you definitely should get some while you can. You know, mutual physical pleasure, orgasms, and all that fun stuff. I’m sure it’s bad for your health to go so long without sex.”
What a delicious, decadent thought,Bree admitted to herself with a sigh. “Are we talking about me or you?”
“Yeah, it’s been a long time for me, too,” Harley admitted.
“Then stop throwing your daggers at me, Harley.”
“I’m just stating what any red-blooded American woman wants.”
“Aleksei Volkov.”
Harley stiffened, her eyes widening in her beautiful face. Then she frowned. “How did you know—”
“No,” Bree said, twisting Harley’s head and pointing it toward the door. “Aleksei Volkov is here.”
When Harley turnedtoward the door, she sighed softly. The man looked a little dangerous and a whole lot like a rebel. A daring rule-breaker. A man who thrived on risk and adventure. His too-long, tousled black curls were tied in a queue at his neck and the dark stubble shadowing his lean jaw only added to the tantalizing image. Then there were those stunning dark eyes of his that had the ability to tempt her to sin. With him. In many different ways.
Oh, wait. Harley was an undercover CIA Shadowguard, code name Topo. There were obstacles to getting involved with him. Number one being that she was supposed to turn him into a foreign asset. He was a Russian ambassador and needed to be completely off-limits to her to avoid any conflict of interest.
So, yeah, he was definitely on the top of her hands-off list. You know, unless she wanted to cross lines and confuse emotions.
Harley sighed again, and his laser-like eyes found her at the bar. As if he knew where Harley’s thoughts had traveled, a slow, disarming smile tipped up the corners of his sensual mouth.Oh, my.She consoled herself that she had the skills to deal with this bad boy Russian.