Page 38 of Blitz
Bree crouchedat the entrance to Gorky Park and looked back to the curb where the black van had been idling, her heart beat in her ears. It was now gone. An uneasy feeling slipped over her. She was on her own. At least Blitz, Gator, the Volkovs, and the CIA guys had eluded capture. She’d take the small win.
There weren't many people out and about. It would make her easy to spot…but also make it easy to spot whoever was tailing her.
Fresh fear riddled her skin with heat. She was sure half of the KGB was looking for her, but she wanted to completely distract them away from the real target.
She spied the opening to the subway, but she didn’t have any cash on her. No way to get a subway ticket.
She might have to improvise.
Bree’s gaze moved rapidly over the entrance, her senses jumping. Men were coming this way. They stood out—confident, as if they owned the world, sharply dressed in black clothing and trench coats. Fear gnawed at her spine, and she fought for composure. Their faces lacked any emotion beyond lethal determination.
She was being followed, which confirmed her suspicions that the locket she’d snatched had a tracker in it. She had to get rid of it, eventually, but right now she needed to buy them time to fully escape.
They would trace it directly to her. Bree moved faster, her palms sweaty inside her gloves, her muscles pulled tight. Swallowing, she quickened her pace, shifting between buildings, people, and the filth in the alleys.
When she spotted the nightclub going at full tilt, she slipped out of the park, crossed the street, and ducked inside. She never hesitated, slipping into this role as if she’d been born to it.
With the few rubles she’d managed to steal from the unsuspecting waitress, it was enough for a few rides on the subway. She went into the back where the doors for the restrooms were but bypassed the ladies’ room and darted out the back door.
Before she could take another step, someone caught her by the vest.
Bree tried getting away, but he dragged her back against him, pinning her arms to her sides. She threw her head back into his, but he avoided her move, and she only clipped his cheek. She drew her knees up, jammed them back into his shins, and he made a soft sound of pain, but held on. His grip grew punishing.
This was it for her. Her sacrifice would give them a chance to get away and she would have done what she could in this fight for justice. She didn’t want to die. Be another statistic in this endless war on terror. Or an unidentified body discovered rotting somewhere. She’d worked too hard to get this far.
She had her job and nothing else. Distant from her family, few friends she trusted, and her reputation with the bureau. Faced with torture at the hands of one of the most ruthless organizations on the planet, her life had very little real substance to it. She vowed she wouldn’t give up anything to them. No details, no information, nothing. She’d rather die than reveal something that could help her enemies. Too bad that was her only option.
He let her go and grabbed her arm in a vise grip, his eyes darting everywhere.No need to be paranoid, buddy, my friends are long gone. So, fuck you.
In Russian, he said, “Don’t fight me, Ms. Volkov. You’re going back home.” Then he spoke to the air. “I’ve got her. Bring the car.”
Ms. Volkov? They thought she was Mila!
Suddenly, he stopped as if he needed to focus on listening. Her gaze skipped around for any threat, intending to compound on it if she got the chance. She looked up at the windows, but their panes just reflected the chill of the pitch-black sky with no stars.
He spoke to her again. “Where is your mother?”
She said nothing.
It wouldn’t be long now before someone realized she wasn’t Mila, then it would be on. She had the locket tucked into the slim vest’s pocket along with the small amount of money she’d been able to scrounge in the nightclub. That and a knife in her boot and the slim handgun tucked into her waistband.
But the complications of killing KGB…that was filled with folly. Foreign agents tried not to kill other foreign agents. It was an unwritten rule, yet she might not have a choice. Damn, how did she go from an FBI Fly Team to a foreign agent? Blitz had been right. She wasn’t trained for this and was completely out of her element. But that didn’t matter. She would have to find a way to get out of this without bloodshed, if she could.
They emerged out of the alley to a car that was parked at the curb. There was another man behind the wheel. The others must have gone to their respective vehicles now that she was captured.
The window went down, the whirring barely perceptible in the quiet. The driver turned to her, his eyes widened, and he opened his mouth. She didn’t wait for him to out her. She hit the man restraining her with her fist right in the solar plexus and turned, sprinting for the subway entrance. If she could only get to the—
Her brain shorted out and she fell into a charged darkness.
* * *
Blitz crouchedin the shrubs lining the park. He figured that Bree would seek cover and this was his first choice. But when she emerged out of that alley, a man restraining her, his blood had gone cold and even colder as she made a break for it and they’d tased her.
He watched helplessly as they loaded her into the back seat of the car and the guy she’d hit got into the passenger seat. One other vehicle followed as the taillights of the car she was riding in disappeared from his view.
He spied only one other tango. He was standing near another vehicle, scanning the area. Left behind to make sure there were no others who needed tasing. Blitz moved carefully, circumventing the park until he came in at an angle to the lone abductor. Using parked cars for cover, he made his way to the man.
The guy was speaking Russian into the phone and Blitz couldn’t make out much of it, but then he froze. The guy saidOlenskaloud and clear. Waiting for the conversation to end, he speculated if this really was the KGB or Z Militia. Who the fuck had Bree?