Page 44 of Blitz
“We need your help.”
“Of course, anything.” She took Bree’s arm and dragged her to the opulent living room with an impressive ornate fireplace, thick rugs on the polished wood floor, art and sculptures everywhere. She pulled a bell near the entrance and gestured for them to sit. Bree settled on the brocade sofa and Blitz sat next to her.
An older, somewhat disheveled woman appeared in the doorway. Sofiya said, “Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea, something to eat?”
“We’re starving,” Bree said. “Eggs and bacon, toast?”
Sofiya translated and returned her attention back to them.
“Sorry about waking you and your cook up at this hour.”
Sofiya waved her hand. “I pay her well and nothing is too good for my special friend, Bree. I have missed you so.”
“Me, too.”
Bree turned to Blitz. “This is my…friend, Blitz.”
She nodded at him. “Blitz? Interesting name.” She didn’t press for any information and Blitz relaxed.
“Blitz, this is Countess Sofiya Komarov. She and I met when I was here in Russia as an exchange student in high school. We hit it off and I helped her with her English.”
“It’s very good, yes?”
He nodded with a short laugh and a grin.
She beamed.
“Sofy, we need your help. We’re not exactly in this country legally.”
The delicious smells coming from the kitchen filled the living room and Sofiya leaned forward. “I see. You need passage out?”
“Yes, as quickly as possible…undetected.”
“Where is it that you need to go?”
“West Africa.”
“Hmm, I think it is time for me to take a trip to…ah…Greece. That close enough?”
“That will work perfectly.”
The cook came into the room and motioned to Sofiya. She nodded. “Now that it’s settled, why don’t you eat, clean up and get a good night’s sleep. We’ll plan in the morning.” She rose and talked to her cook. “Eva will show you to your room after you’ve eaten. I will retire.” She hugged Bree again as they all rose. “So good to see you. Our trips are much too short.”
“We’ll have to fix that,” Bree said.
“Good night.”
Instead of making Eva wait for them to eat, Bree told her to head back to bed. She knew the drill. After the delicious food was consumed, Bree took his hand and led him to the stairs—more scrolly wrought iron work, but he was too damn tired to appreciate the architecture.
“Make yourself at home. Sofy keeps all kinds of clothes for all sorts of people.” She flicked a hand toward the closet and chest of drawers. “I’m sure we can find something to wear. Rummage something for us to sleep in and I’ll get the water heated.” She hopped on one foot as she pulled off one boot, then the other. Blitz’s gaze slid over her, enjoying the curves and swells of her toned body. She had muscled legs and some bruises here and there.
He set his hands on his hips, his tone wry. “Countess, babe?”
“I know.” She smirked. “She wasn’t a countess when I met her, just as awkward a teenager as I was, eager to learn English and find out about America. Her dad wished it for her and chose me to foster in the country. It’s why I have the codes. She never changed them.” She smiled softly. “He liked my background. He was a very gracious and lovely man. A good father to her. He died of a heart attack when she was twenty. Her mom died in childbirth.” She unzipped the vest and shrugged out of it, then stripped down to her bra and panties. “She’s my best friend and indulges me when she comes to DC. Some of the stuff in my closet I could never afford. But I love fashion, so I let her indulge me.”
He stripped down to skin and walked over to the drawers. Inside were neatly folded bras, underwear, shirts, pants, and socks. Whatever they needed. The male and female underwear was still wrapped in plastic. Bree might wear someone else’s underwear, but he’d rather go commando. Good thing he didn’t have to. He found a beautiful blue silk nightshirt and pulled it out and opened one of the packages, grabbed a pair of boxer briefs, and set the garments on the bed.
When he entered the bathroom, the water was running, steam filling the space. She was just standing there at the sink looking at her reflection, but he knew that’s not what she was seeing. When he touched her shoulder, she turned and wrapped her arms around his waist.