Page 111 of Mafia Grace
“Do you have a reservation, Miss?”
“I’m meeting someone. Salvatore Fiori.”
“Si.” One of them smiled with all her teeth. “Mr. Fiori and his party are in our sunlight salon, by the gardens.”
“Thank you.”
It wasn’t hard to find the room. It was the loudest. The few bottles turned into a full party and I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. I’ve seen it happening a hundred times before. Poker games turn into days-long drinking sprees, backyard barbeques turn into celebrations with too many people. I’ve lived in this life for too long to not be used to it, but I wasn’t going to let Salvatore make a habit of leaving me home to rot on the couch while he smokes cigars and throws back dreams with his lieutenants.
I walked in the salon and waved my hand around to cut the thick smoke. The music was pretty loud, but the voices were even louder. Everyone was too busy to talking to each other to notice me.
Salvatore was pretty easy to find in the crowd. He was sitting at the far end of the room and almost everyone at his table was up singing toSara Perche Ti Amo, Pietro included. My husband, on the other hand, he couldn’t sit up straight. Maybe it was the booze, or he was tired, ormaybeit had something to do with the big-boobed redhead sitting in his lap, pinning him down in the chair.
The redhead was dressed in the same uniform as the hostesses in the front and she was just as smiley. I watched while she slowly raised her hand to trace Salvatore’s jaw and then she whispered something in his ear.
Anger hit me so rapidly, I started shaking. I crossed the room and heads started to turn my way. At least some people got to see my dress since Salvatore seemed so damn preoccupied. On my way to him, my mind wondered to that night at the club when Yannis saw me dancing with a man. Salvatore was raging like a bull –uncontrollable– and now for the first time I understood exactly how he was feeling. A violent shiver traveled through my every pore watching that woman put her hands onmyhusband.
He’s letting her touch him. The thought went as fast as it came. The pain would come later. Right now, every other emotion was consumed by a scorching fury.
I made it to his table and pulled out the chair in front of him, lowering myself into it with ease and crossing my legs with the same grace I would do aglissadeon stage. He saw me, we locked eyes, and everyone around us stilled, but no one said a word.
“Grazi.” He said my name and rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?”
“Late.” I said sharply. He tried looking at his watch, but with no luck. “You’re drunk.”
“I had one too many. I forgot to check the time. I was supposed to pick you up.”
“Yes, that’s right.” My eyes fell on the redhead. “You forgot you’re married too.”
“Stop talking stupid.” He growled and pushed the girl slightly, but she didn’t leave his lap.
I snapped my fingers in front of the girl and she looked at me.
“What’s your name?”
“Maria, you have two seconds to get off my husband before I take the gun he has in his jacket and shoot you in the knee with it.” Again, she didn’t move, so I kept to my word and found the custom glock from the inside pocket of the jacket hanging on the back of his chair and took off the safety. Maria jumped up and ran away.
“Grazi.” Salvatore tried to say something again, but stopped.
With a sweet smile on my face, I showed him my left hand. “Give me one reason to not take this ring off right now.”
Something flashed in his eyes and he sobered up in a second.
“Don’t you dare.” He smashed his fist on the table making everything rattle and got up on his feet, towering over me. “Throw a tantrum, fight me, hit me if you want, but don’t ever say that again.”
“What are you going to do? Go grope another waitress?”
Salvatore threw his jacket on and took his gun back. “We’re going. Now.”
“You obviously need to blow off some steam. If you either want to fight or to fuck, we can’t do it here. Get up, Grazia.”
He didn’t wait for me to comply. Instead, he grabbed me by the elbow and started dragging me to the door.
“Don’t treat me like this in front of your people.” I said and pulled my arm back.