Page 124 of Mafia Grace
“I defied my Don –my husband– to help you tonight.”
“I’m sorry,sorella.”
“Me too.” We shared a hug that did more damage than good and he kissed my forehead again.
“Grazia, what you did tonight? Thank you.”
“You’re my brother, Guido. Even if you’re too scared to tell Father you want to call me once in a while, I like to think you wouldn’t let me end up in jail.”
“Sarcasm is ugly on you. Out now. I have to work.”
I pulled on the big office door to open it, but as soon as I stepped into the hall, I stopped. The image of my father was blocking my way out. He was walking our way, with his chest puffed like a rooster, and Gaspino, Goliath and Giovani were all lined up behind him like soldiers.
Not knowing what to do, I looked over my shoulder at Guido for help.
“Hold on, Grazia,” he whispered, “this is going to get loud.”
Just like Guido predicted, Father didn’t lose any moments before pointing at me and starting to shout. “What isshedoing here?” He said the word she like it was something dirty. “How dare you come here? What do you think? Now that you can see what a mistake it was to run away, I’ll just take you back?”
“What?” I blinked. “Take me back?”
“You made your bed, now lie in it.”
“I am. With myhusband. I’m not here to ask for your forgiveness, Father. I just had to see Guido.”
“No son of mine has anything to say to you!”
“Stop shouting, Father. We all can hear you very well.” I looked at the other three of my brothers over his shoulder and they were standing like statues.
“Lose that attitude, Grazia Paulina. You’re starting to get on my last nerve.”
“How’s your girlfriend? Did you settle her in my bedroom?”
“You have the nerve to come here and be impertinent after everything you’ve done? After all the shame you brought to our family?”
“Me? I brought the shame?” I shook my head. “One day soon you should take a long look at yourself in the mirror.”
“Get out!” My father roared and took one step towards me. He was frightening when he was in one of his moods, but I stood my ground. I’d rather get slapped across the face than back down. “Don’t ever come here or close to this family again. For the Caputo clan, you’re dead. There’s no forgiveness for whores, Grazia, so don’t come looking for any.”
The words were spit out with disdain, but whatever he hoped to achieve failed. I didn’t feel any pain, or sadness, I just felt sorry. Sorry for him for being such a little man and sorry for me for taking so long to see it.
Thewhoreremark didn’t go so easily past my brothers. Gaspino pulled me behind him to shield me from the hostility and the other three got into Father’s face. Giovani pushed his finger into our Father’s chest and pushed him back.
“Don’t you speak to her like that ever again.” Giovani growled. “This is your last warning.”
“You don’t get to tell me how to speak, boy.”
“I won’t allow you to insult my sister.”
“Your sister is a…”
“Stop.” One word that came from Goliath in his deep and threatening voice, made everyone freeze, including father. “Don’t get things confused, Father. We all stand with you because thefamigliacomes first, but you ever insult my sister again, I’m going to put your head through a wall,Don.”
I sobbed softly, but Gaspino must have heard me because while everyone was busy fighting, he turned to me and put an arm over my shoulders.
“Don’t let him upset you,Sorella. He’s done enough.”
“I hate that they’re fighting because of me.”