Page 133 of Mafia Grace
“I just wanted to check in on you and Grazia after you two shocked us all. What a horrible mistake that was.”
It was my turn to tense up.
“If youevercall my marriage a mistake again, I’m going to forget you’re a woman.”
Ariana puffed and crossed her arms. “You’re always so quick to take her side. I don’t understand. You could have any woman – a real woman – who would want nothing but to please you, but instead you choose to go to war for a little girl who won’t be with you for more than a year.”
“Leave. Now.”
“Grazia is a ballerina, Salvatore. Pretty, perfect, Grazia, the best dancer in Italy. She wants to go to Milano and dance. What do you think she’s going to choose? You or that ballet academy?”
I got up, ready to drag her out the damn store myself, but Grazia beat me to it. She appeared at my side, dressed in the black dress.
“Get away from my husband.” Grazia’s voice was acidic.
“Oh, there she is. Grazia, you look good. You know, Fabiano is right outside. I’m sure he wouldloveto…” whatever bullshit she was about to spit out, Grazi didn’t let her.
“I don’t care where my father is or what he’s doing. Get away from my husband.”
“Husband.” Ariana repeated like she was weighing the word on her tongue. “Stop saying it like it means something. You ran away from home because you don’t like sharing daddy’s attention with me and you want me to think your marriage is so important? I’m sick and tired of hearing about it.” The woman threw her arms up in the air and stepped closer to Grazia. “Every day of my life I had to hear about you, and the one time it was about me you ran away to Salvatore and now it’s about you all over again. I’m sick and tired of you getting in my way. I’msickandtiredof you.”
Grazia didn’t move an inch. Ariana was an icy blonde, tall, looking down at Grazi and trying her best to look intimidating, but all of that was for show. My girl was a queen, and with me standing behind her, no one could ever shake her confidence.
“Great.” My wife responded with calm. “Now that you told us your frustrations, I’m going to repeat myself one last time. Get the hell away from my husband, before I put you face down on this floor and step on your neck.”
From the corner of my eye, I noticed one of the shop workers, whose eyes were the size of dinner plates, ready to come to us, but I signaled him to go away. I didn’t have to ask twice.
“You have some nerve to talk to me like that. Maybe you forget, Grazia, but right now, I’m your Don’s woman and you are just the dirty little thing sucking on Fiori’s…” Once again, Ariana, was interrupted. By Fabiano. If the Bernoulli girl really wanted a show, she was about to get one.
“Ariana.” Old Caputo barked. “Shut it.”
“I said keep your mouth closed, woman.” Ariana had no comeback to that.
Fabiano moved his attention to Grazia and I grabbed her arm, pulling her closer. I didn’t trust Fabiano, especially around my wife.
“Father.” Grazia nodded.
“You and Ariana need to learn to get along,figlia, because when you come to your senses and come back home, she’ll be there.”
Grazia’s laugh was short and high-pitched, but I wasn’t amused.
“It was nice seeing you again so soon, Father,” Grazia lied through her teeth, “but my husband and I have plans. You two should move along.”
“Ha!” Fabiano placed his hands on his round belly. “He’s only fucking you to settle the score, Grazia. A daughter for a mother. He will get bored and when he does and finds another bird to keep him entertained, you’re going to get all sensitive.”
“Enough. Grazia, go get changed. We’re leaving.” I ordered and when she didn’t move, I pushed her behind me, so I was face to face with Fabiano.
“Don’t order my daughter around.” He looked at me with superiority.
“My wife.” I corrected him and got in his face.
Fabiano didn’t back down and I didn’t expect him to.
“Sit down, boy. This power Adrian left you might be going to your head, but remember, Salvatore, I had thirty kills by the time you were born. I’m the last man you want to cross.”
A few bullets in the back of someone’s head could never make a man, that’s what he failed to understand.