Page 139 of Mafia Grace
“Totto, where’s Sasa?”
“His study.”
I nodded. He was hiding from me. “I’ll go say goodbye.”
I knocked on the door, but didn’t wait for him to invite me in. Salvatore was writing something on a piece of paper. He heard me coming in, but didn’t look up.
“Can I help you, Grazia?”
“I’m leaving.”
“I took care of your accommodations.”
“I know, thank you. I just wanted to say goodbye.”
“Well, goodbye then.”
“Salvatore, can you at least look at me when you’re pushing me out the door?”
When I saw how bitter his face looked, I regretted my request.
“I’m not pushing you, Grazia. Quite the opposite.”
“I have to go.” He just nodded. “If I could be in two places at the same time, I’d do it.” He nodded again. “You love me and you can’t stay mad at me forever.”
Was I trying to convince him? Or myself? I wasn’t sure.
After an oppressively long moment of silence, he opened his mouth to speak again, but the words were disappointing.
“Is Yannis here yet?”
“Yannis? Why would he…”
Like he was summoned, Sasa’s enforcer walked in and positioned himself behind me.
“I’m ready for the road,padrone[56].”
“The road?” I looked at them confused, but both men ignored me.
Salvatore finally got up and came to shake hands with Yannis.
“The moment she walks out the front door, she’s your responsibility, Yannis.”
I didn’t need any more explanations. He was sending Yannis with me for security. I’d expected him to put a tail on me, but his enforcer? Yannis was needed here, he was one of Salvatore’s most trusted confidants.
“I’ll bring Grazia back without a scratch.”
“Yannis,” I interrupted, “do you mind waiting for me in the car so I could have a moment with my husband?”
When we were left alone, Salvatore retreated again, putting more space between us, more silence.
“Yannis can stay here if you need him. Another of your men can come with me, I’ll be fine.”
“Ok. He can’t interfere with my ballet classes. You need to tell him that.”