Page 147 of Mafia Grace
Gino took the lead again. “He found a good woman. Well, she’s Russian, so not perfect, but good. What about you,DonFiori?”
“If you have a daughter you want me to meet, I’m sorry, but I’m married.”
“That’s a good sign.” Nucci approved. “A man is nothing without a strong woman by his side.”
“I can agree with you on that.”
“How long have you been married?”
“A couple of months. I wasn’t able to give her a long honeymoon.”
“Never let work cut in your time with the woman you love. That’s the first lesson you need to learn. I know you’re in a turf war, but don’t forget to go home every night.” As he spoke, his arm pulled Muse closer.
“You’ve heard about my problems on the other side of town.”
“People talk.”
“It’s not about turf. This city has been split in half for years. It’s about my wife.” Nucci raised his eyebrows. “She’s the only daughter of Fabiano Caputo.”
“And you married her.”
“And I don’t ever intend to let her go.”
“Good luck to you then. Are we going to meet your wife tonight?”
“I’m afraid not. She’s a ballerina.” The words sounded too simple. “Grazia Fiori is the most beautiful ballerina in this part of the world. She’s amazing. So beautiful, so… gracious. She’s in Milano, dancing at the Scala.”
Nucci nodded again. He did it quite a few times during our conversation. It was like he was weighing my words and then putting a seal of approval on them.
“Next time then.”Next time. This was looking damn good for me.
It was time to talk some business, or that was my intention before my phone started ringing. I would have ignored it if it wasn’t Yannis’ name blinking on the screen. I excused myself and walked into the hallway.
“What is it?” He wouldn’t have called without a good reason.
“I need you to secure a flight. I’m bringing Grazia home.”
His voice was always calm and calculated, but something in his tone didn’t sit well with me.
“One of her teachers tried to… it was bad.”
I looked around to check if I was alone because for a second I thought someone shot me. The pain shot from my heart through the rest of my body and my blood started rushing in my veins.
“He tried to do what, Yannis?”
“Force her. She’s fine, not harmed, but she’s really shaken. Her hand might be needing a doctor.”
“You just said she’s fine.”
“She broke the fucker’s nose.”
She fought. Shehadto fight to get away from a man who put his dirty, filthy hands on her. Some worm who decided he had a right to touch my wife and make her his. The dread I felt just thinking about it was more intense than anything I ever felt.
She should have been with me. No one could hurt her if she was with me.