Page 66 of Mafia Grace
I waited for the time to pass before finally going back downstairs. Father was already in the breakfast room in his usual seat, reading the newspaper.
“Buongiorno, Babbo[32].”
“Ah,mia figlia[33].” He checked his watch. “Late morning?”
“Are you feeling better today? Delfina told me about the headache.”
“Much better. I think I was just tired.”
“I would think so. You spend too many hours in the dance studio. After all these years, what is there left to learn?”
I rolled my eyes and tried to smile. He never quite got the whole dancing thing.
“I need to keep rehearsing,Babbo. Practice makes perfect.”
“You are perfect already, otherwise I wouldn’t get calls from Rosa Vitale urging me to get you to Milano.”
“What? When?”
“Yesterday. I will arrange for you to leave soon.”
“Yes, please.” Milano meant that I would get to train alongside a real ballet company. Milano meant I was going far away from here to a city where Salvatore’s shadows were not waiting for me at every corner. “I think I should leave a few days early. I want to enjoy the city before visiting the school.”
“Then I will make a few phone calls today and arrange the trip for you.” I was surprised at his lack of resistance. Usually, it would take me much more effort to convince my father that just because I was a girl, I was able to take care of myself when he wasn’t around. “How long do you plan on staying?”
“Miss Rosa has arranged for me to attend classes there for a week.”
“Ok, I will find you a nice, secure place to stay.”
“Is Garon still coming to babysit?”
“Yes, but he will stay out of your way like we’ve discussed. I have some things for him to take care of up North.”
“So this is a business trip?”
“For him it is. It’s time my youngest son gets more involved in hisfamiglia.”
Garon was a party boy and he got to enjoy that side of life every single day since he was sixteen.Babbohas tried to rope him with responsibilities multiple times, but he failed. Garon was too wild to fall in line with dad’s wishes.
I decided to change the subject. “So, I’ve heard you’re going on a trip.”
Babbo’seyes fixated on me before muttering, “The damn walls have ears around here. Yes, I’m leaving but only for a couple of days.”
“I think it’s nice you’re going to the summer house. It’s been a while since we visited that place.”
“You can’t come along.” He hurried to add in strange fashion, almost like he didn’t expect me to know his destination. “I’m sorry, Grazia, but if you want to go to the summer house, it will have to be on a different occasion.”
“Don’t worry,Babbo, I wasn’t planning on…” I was cut off by the sound of the double door of the breakfast saloon being slammed to the wall.
Giovani entered with his chest forward and his head down, and I knew exactly what news he was about to deliver. It was time.
“Father, we need to talk.”
“Ah, Giovani. What brings you here so early, son?”
“There’s something you should know.”