Page 92 of Mafia Grace
“It wasn’t a bad move. I need to feel safe and wanted and… it wasn’t a bad move.”
“Care to explain why a man youhaven’tseenin almost five years made you feel all that, Grazia?”
A knot formed in my throat but I had to push through it. “You don’t want me to answer to that, Giovani.”
“Right. I fucking don’t. It’s my fault. I should have kept my eye on you not just trust that father would take care of you.”
“Giovani, I’m fine.”
He breathed and I could hear the relief on the other side of the phone. “That’s all that matters. IsDon Fiorithere?”
I looked at Salvatore and he took over the conversation.
“I’m here, Giovani.”
“My sister is fine?”
“She is. Whatever the problems on the table are, I would never hurt her.”
“That’s your saving grace. She needs to come home right now and then we can figure this out. Like men.”
Like men. He means with bullets, and screams, and fights, and egos.
“She’s not coming.”
“Fiori, don’t make this mess worse.”
“She. Is. Not. Coming.”
“Salvatore, listen to me.I know. I know why our families split and I feel the same anger about it as you do.”
“This is a conversation we should have had a long time ago.” Sasa replied to the cryptic words my brother had said.
“Yes, but we didn’t and now things are complicated. Grazia is the most important person in this family and I want her to be happy, I want her to feel safe and wanted, but not with you. That can’t happen. It’s my job.”
“Giovani!” I cut in. My courage gathered slowly and I was worried that if I didn’t say the words now, I’d just lose it. “Salvatore and I got married.” There was no immediate reaction from Giovani and I knew that was worse than yelling.
“Grazia Paulina Caputo, this better be a very bad, unfunny joke.”
“It’s Grazia Fiori now, Gio.”
“It’s going to be the Fiori widow soon. Salvatore is this true?”
“It’s true. Grazia and I got married today.”
“How fucking dare you?” Giovani growled. “My sister? You married her? I had sympathy for you, motherfucker! All these years I tried my best to keep our families at peace and stay out of your way because I thought of you, and your pain, and the fact that I’ve watched you grow up. I kept shut every time I had a reason to roll over you like a damn hurricane, even when your father…”
“My father did nothing!” Salvatore was starting to lose his temper too.
“Adrian tried to get Giorgio in prison for ten years when he was under investigation for arms smuggling. He called the prosecutor on the case and offered information to have my brother locked up to hurt Father. I did nothing then, but I won’t let you drag my little sister into a marriage.”
“Watch your mouth, Caputo. I married Grazia because I love her and I won’t let anyone change that.”
“You love her, that’s your excuse?” His voice got low and I knew Giovani well enough to know that he had reached his limit. He was beyond furious. “You just cut her ties with her family. My children are asking to see their aunt and now that won’t happen, because years of hate can’t just disappear. In a few months, Rebecca will give me another child and my sister won’t be there. She’s your wife, but she’s orphaned now. How is that love?”
I didn’t realize I was crying until Salvatore brushed a tear away from my cheek.
“Gio, you’re my brother.”