Page 35 of Mafia Rebel
“Focus, Luca.”
“Yeah, I’ll ask around about him.” He shrugged. “He’s no big deal, otherwise I would have heard by now.”
“I want to know who I’m dealing with. Something about him isn’t right.”
“Because he wants your girl.”
“He can’t have her.” I said before my phone vibrated in my pocket. The moment I saw Santo’s name on the screen, I knew something bad happened. “Santo, speak.”
“Garon, we’re taking Pina to the hospital.” He said and my blood turned into ice cubes.
“What? What the fuck happened?!”
“She just…”
“Was it that fucker? Did he touch her?”
“No, man, she passed out. Maybe she’s tired, I don’t fucking know, I’m not a doctor. We’ll be atPliclinico Gemelliin ten minutes.”
“I’m coming.” I said while fishing banknotes out of my pockets and throwing them at Luca.
“You’re abandoning me again. You’re a shitty drink partner, Caputo. You used to be so much more fun.”
“Pina’s in the hospital, I have to go.”
That got his attention. “Do you want me to come? I know good doctors.”
“No, I’ll call you if I need you.”
I didn’t wait for an answer or a goodbye, I just left and found the rented SUV with tinted windows I’ve been driving around since I came to Rome. Disregarding every traffic rule, every stop sign, and every angry horn, I made it to that damn hospital faster than an ambulance could and parked in front of the entrance. Someone tried to yell at me that I wasn’t allowed to stop there, but the keys were in the ignition. If someone had a problem, they could move the fucking car.
There were lots of people roaming around and I surfed through them until I found a nurse.
“Pina Bernoulli, where is she?”
“How should I know?” She cut me off right away.
“She’s here, she passed out. Where. Is. She?”
“Go and ask at reception. I’m a surgical nurse.” Her scoff was purposefully dramatic. “You young people, need to learn how to behave in a hospital.”
“Where do I find her? Pina Bernoulli.”
She rolled her eyes at me, but pulled out her phone and sent a couple of texts. “She’s in a private room upstairs. Third floor.” After that she turned her back and walked in the opposite direction.
It took me too much damn time to find the elevators and by the time I was going up to the third floor I was fidgeting. If something were to happen; Santo or Arno would have called, so she was fine, but I needed to see it with my own eyes. After going through three nurses, a couple of doctors, and a security guard who tried to convince me only family was allowed to see Pina, I made it to her room. She was just coming around blinking slowly and my two bodyguards were standing guard by her side.
When Pina woke up, her eyes found me right away, but a perky doctor with a ponytail and dressed in pink cut her off.
“Miss Bernoulli, welcome back. You scared your friends.” She pointed at Arno and Santo. “They are big guys and talk a big game, but they were worried sick when they brought you in. Don’t let yourself be fooled by the serious looks on their faces, they really care about you.”
“What happened?” She sounded so weak and was so pale. Something wasn’t right.
“You passed out and your friends brought you to the emergency room. I’m Doctor Ema Marinelli, I was the one who had you moved to this room.” The doctor didn’t stop smiling for one second.
“Thank you, guys.” Pina smiled at Arno and Santo. “I don’t remember what happened. I was talking to…” she looked at me and stopped, like I didn’t already know, “I was having coffee and I just got so sick. I felt like throwing up.”
I crossed the room and made it to her bed, taking her hand in mine.