Page 52 of Mafia Rebel
Garon was gentle around me, but we were just two people having a baby. I was in love with him, but at peace with the fact I might never feel that from him. In that moment though, I was jealous of what Grazia and her husband had. It wasn’t just love, it was intimacy and the knowledge that you have someone you can count on. I didn’t realize how much I wanted a person like that until I was left all alone in a strange city.
Grazia and Salvatore stayed with us for breakfast and it was strange how normal it felt. I laughed with my best friend and we shared a meal while her brother sat in the chair next to me with an arm over my shoulders. It felt like we were a family and it warmed my heart.
Chapter 12
The past weeks have passed in a mist of unbelievable bliss. We took the time to settle into our new lives and Garon has made it so much easier for me. He turned his house into our home, he guided me through the change, sat by my side during the visits of all his brothers and sisters-in-law, and whenever he felt I was freaking out, he took me back to our bedroom and used every skill he had to make me curl in a ball of pleasure.
Waking up next to him, seeing his beautiful face relaxed and vulnerable, had rapidly become the highlight of my day and I always woke first just to watch him sleep for a few minutes. Like this I could enjoy him just for myself with nothing between us. When he was sleeping, the evils of his past couldn’t get to him and it was the only time when he was all mine.
I would have stayed like that forever if my bladder wouldn’t have dragged me out of bed, so I slipped off the mattress careful not to wake him and ran into the bathroom to get myself ready for the day. I washed my face and combed my hair, deciding to let it fall free instead of catching it in a ponytail like I usually did since Garon liked to get his hands through it and I loved to feel his hands on me. I was almost ready to get on with my day when I spotted my image in the tall mirror in our bathroom.
The white shorts and matching top were tight on my body like a second skin, so I could clearly see the change. The curve of my stomach was subtle, bit it was there, I could see it, feel it under my palm. It wasreal. Our baby—the best of Garon and I—was growing inside my womb and the sight mesmerized me. I was stunned in front of that mirror when Garon found me.
“Good morning,Piccolina.” He came from behind and kissed my neck, diving his hands in my hair like I’d predicted.
“Yes…” I said absently and saw him frowning at me in the mirror.
“Everything good? Are you sick? Do you need anything?”
His care was moving.
“I’m fine, but I can see it.” I grabbed his hand and slowly guided it to move over my stomach. “There’s a small bump.”
“I know.” He kissed my skin again. “I know your body very well, Pina. I’ve noticed the small roundness of your stomach…” he moved his hand from my stomach up to my breasts, “…and the new heaviness of your breasts.”
“Right.” In a few short months I was going to be round everywhere, heavy and moody. I’ve seen enough pregnant women to know that creating life was magical, but it wasn’t graceful at all.
“What now?”
“I can see it on your face, Pina, something is eating at you. Talk to me.”
“I just…” I took a deep breath and took a moment to find my words. “I’m not your type.”
“Excuse me?”
“You like your women taller, bigger breasts, bigger lips, and have a thing for redheads, don’t you?”
“Does this discussion have a point?” He didn’t deny it though.
“You’ve settled with me and now I’m going to lose the little attractiveness I have due to pregnancy.” He wanted to speak, but I rushed to shut him up. “I just want to say this before I lose my courage. I won’t hold it against you. If you find someone else, I won’t blame you, Garon. A woman more to your taste.”
He sighed. “You’re not a man, you don’t know what we see.”
“What does that mean?”
“Pina, I decided to make you mine before we knew you were pregnant, because you belong at my side. There’s no other way. You don’t only please my body, but you quiet me inside and soften my heart. And I want you every minute of the day, so much so, my cock is in pain from being hard all the time. You think that if your body changes I won’t find you attractive, that’s because you’re not a man.” He chuckled. “There’s nothing sexier than seeing your woman growing your seed inside her. Nothing.”
“I’m sorry.” I hid my eyes from him. “My head is all over the place.”
“A lot has happened in a short time. You’re allowed to be a little edgy.” He turned my face so I would look straight into the infinity of his icy blue eyes. “As long as you remember there’s nothing to be afraid of, because I’m right here by your side.”
“I will.”
“Now tell me again.”
“Tell you what?”