Page 91 of Mafia Rebel
4 months later…
In my twenty-six years of life, I’ve put myself in front of danger hundreds of times. I’d been in gun fights, knife fights, fist fights,allthe fights. I was part of shady deals, cheated at cards when I played with some very sketchy people, and I had to rescue the woman I love from a maniac who wanted to kill our baby.
Yet nothing petrified me like the fourteen-hours labor Pina went through the other night.
Because she was so petite and her hips were narrow, she struggled a lot until it was time to push, and it didn’t matter how many times Dr. Niccolo had told me everything was as it should be, when a contraction hit and mypiccolinascreamed, I thought she was going to die. It ripped me in half. She was in pain and I couldn’t do anything to help her so I paced the hallways and stared at the clock.
Now looking down at my daughter—my own flesh and blood—sucking on her mother’s breast, every terror and worry from last night was forgotten.
Pina looked more beautiful than ever, covered in golden sunlight, she was lighting up the room. Her eyes were flooded with love and admiration for the little human sitting on her chest and I didn’t blame her. My daughter was the most gorgeous baby in this part of the world.
“How are you feeling?” I leaned down and kissed the top of Pina’s head.
“My love, you asked me that ten minutes ago.”
“I’m asking again.”
“I’m still sore and I still don’t care because look at our girl. She is perfect, Garon.”
“Of course she is. Look at her parents.” I winked and Pina’s laugh rang through the room. Pina tried to pull her breast away and the baby made a loud sound in protest. “Look at her. Only a few hours old and she’s already giving orders.”
“Just like her father.”
“She’s definitely my girl.” I was beaming with pride. “Baby, if you’re up for it, the line of visitors outside the door is ridiculous. I can’t hold them at bay for much longer. They want to see the baby.”
I’d told my family to give Pina space, maybe wait another day before coming by, but none of them moved from outside her door in two days.
“Let them in. I’ll cover myself. She ate enough.”
This time, the baby didn’t cry when her meal ticket was hidden away. She stretched her little body before closing her eyes and going back to sleep. After admiring the miracle in front of me for another moment, I went outside the room and called my family in. The room filled up. All my brothers, their wives, Grazia and Salvatore, Santo and Arno, they all came to welcome my daughter into our family. People laughed, and cried, and congratulated Pina and I watched it all with pride booming in my chest.
Truth is, I never wanted this. I never imagined myself settling down with a wife and a kid, but Pina Caputo was mine in every way a woman could belong to a man, and I wouldn’t give up the life she gave me for all the riches in the world.
I finally came out of my trance and started following the conversation when Salvatore leaned down to hug Pina.
“She’s a beautiful little princess.” He said. “Do you have a name yet?”
Pina bit her lip and handed me my daughter. She wanted me to announce it to them and I was happy to. I took the baby, careful not to hurt her.
My sister came to my side, positively melting over how cute my child was.
“You like her?” I asked Grazia.
“Are you kidding me?” She sighed, all soft and mushy, probably counting the days until she gets a baby of her own. “I love her. You did so good, Garon.”
“Yeah.” I smiled. “Do you want to know her name?”
“Yes, we all do. What’s the next Caputo girl going to be called?”
“Grazia, meet your goddaughter,Paulina.” Grazia had been making jokes about naming the baby after her since the day she found out Pina was pregnant. It was all Giovani’s fault because he named his younger daughter after Grazia and started this. My sister took a lot of pride in the fact that my niece Gigi was wearing her name, so Pina and I talked, and decided to give our daughter Grazia’s middle name.
My beautiful wife came up with the idea and I loved it right away. I loved my sister and I wasn’t afraid to say she had a special place in my heart, even more than my brothers. She turned from a beautiful girl to an amazing woman and I was happy to name my daughter after her.
When the information registered, Grazia wanted to scream, but covered her mouth just in time.
“Oh, my. Garon, I’m going to cry.”
“You should. It’s a great honor.” I said, looking down at her with a smug smile. “You’re lucky I’m naming such a beautiful kid after you.”